Ch 153- Just some incidents between me and Lucius

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I just wanna share some moments of mine and Lucius with y'all!( Side note- M/n stands for 'my name' as in 'my' name not yours)

Bellatrix- Why is Lucius crying on the bathroom floor?

Me- He's drunk.

Bellatrix- So?

Me- He heard I was engaged.

Bellatrix- He's engaged to you, though.

Me- Yeah, he forgot.


Me- Where's Draco?

Lucius- He went out.

Me- He's grounded!

Lucius-........are they not allowed out when they are grounded?


*Drunk Lucius stumbling over to touch M/n's baby bump*

Lucius- OH mY goD M/n, he's sevEN months old??????

Me- Yeah, and WAY more mature than you are.


Lucius- The stars look beautiful tonight.

Me- They really do.

Lucius- You know what else looks beautiful?

Me- *blushing* I-

Lucius- This! *takes out his newly polished cane*

Me- *gets up and leaves*


Lucius- *drunk, sobbing his eyes out*

Rodolphus- Hey mate, what's wrong?

Lucius- M/n just told me she's married! SHE JUST TOLD ME THAT!

Rodolphus- what

Rodolphus- she's married to you



Me- Sometimes Lucius makes me so angry.

Bellatrix- You're sitting in his lap.......

Me- Angrily 


Me- Lucius annoyed me today so I told him I can't wait to see what he has planned for our special day tomorrow.

Bellatrix- There is nothing special about tomorrow.

Me- Ah, but there is something special about watching the color leave his face as the panic takes over.


Lucius- Darling, what do you want to do for dinner?

Me- Well, we could just stay in and cook for ourselves.

Lucius & Me- *burst out laughing*  


Lucius- You know everything about me?

Me- Yes.

Lucius- What am I allergic to?

Me- Pine nuts.

Me- And the full spectrum of human emotion.


Baby Draco- *starts screaming at 3 am*

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