"can we talk now" he asked. 

"sure" I said. 

he stood up and came over by me, he stared at me for a moment before nodding and leaning on the desk.

"tay, why the fuck do you have a hicky on your chest" he asked. 

"I don't" I said touching my chest. 

"you fuckin do, what the hell" he asked. 

I rubbed the spot he pointed out and it wiped away, it was something red and sticky on me. he raised a brow. 

"what the hell is that" I asked looking at my hand. 

"you tell me" he said. 

"looks and smells like my body butter, guess I didn't rub it all in. thanks for the accusation" I smiled. 

"you scared me last night" he said. 

"ill get the distribution and shit worked out. ill be home tonight" I said. 

"can we sleep in the same bed" he asked. 

"I don't care" I sighed. 

I walked to the door before he stopped me. 

"by the way, got a call last night, wendy, needed a ride to the hotel shes staying at. she had a lot to say on the way" he said. 

"like what" I rolled my eyes. 

"said you've been fucking with jax and happy" he said. 

"believe the junkie" I said. 

"didn't say I do. she tried coming onto me" he said. 

"really now" I smirked.

"yea, she kissed me, when I tried to push her away she got in my lap" he said. 

"how if you were driving" I asked. 

"it was at her hotel" he said. 

"what" I asked. 

"she asked me to walk her in, I did, she started talking about you and them, then it happened" he said. 

"how far did it go" I asked. 

"pretty much all the way" he hung his head. 

"you fucked wendy" I asked. 

"im so sorry" he said. 

"is what it is" I said walking out. 

I drove to tm and parked next to Ashley's car. I got out and went into the shop first. happy was stood by his toolbox. I walked up and hugged him tight. 

he hesitated but hugged back. he kissed my forehead before pulling away. 

"im sorry I hurt you" I said. 

"its fine, youre not mine to be possessive over" he said. 

"im gonna go see Ashley real quick" I said. 

"hey, you and jax" he asked. 

"no more than you and I" I said. 

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