Remembering Again.

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The tears fell before I could stop them. I knew everyone was staring at us, but I can't let her forget Bucky. Bucky's too important for that. He deserves more. "You- you don't know who Bucky is?"

She tilted her head, "Am I supposed to?"

I stepped even farther away. Hydra had done something to her. "He's your brother, Jemma. Your twin. He has the same eyes as you!" I remembered having my first kiss with Jemma. The only reason I had kissed her was because I got lost in her eyes, like I had with Bucky so many times. "You can't forget him!" I smeared the tears away. My nose hurt from crying, but I couldn't stop. Bucky was all I had, but now I got Jemma back, and she didn't even remember the most important person to her. I was stepping closer to her again, but she was stepping away. She looked terrified, but I was angry. "How can you remember me, but not Bucky? What did they do to you?"

She tightened her eyes and screamed. Stark hit her, knocking her to the floor. "Take her upstairs," he told Thor.

Thor picked her up while I fell to the floor. I didn't want them to see me so weak, but I was hurt. "Be careful with her," I told him. He nodded sadly and carried her up the stairs.

I wiped the rest of my tears and closed my eyes. "I'm sorry you had to see that. It's just B-" I saw him falling from the train. "We had a history."

I felt someone tap my foot, so I opened my eyes to see Stark sitting down. He leaned against the staircase railing. "Who was she?"

"Jemma Barnes."

"I know that name," he was staring at the floor. I wasn't sure where Natasha went, but Bruce was watching us from a corner. "How?"

"Your father knew her." I clenched my fists.

"Ah, right. He saw you guys make out once, right?"

Natasha was back, sitting on the bottom stair. "You two made out?"

"We didn't really make out. It was just a kiss."

Bruce nodded, "I'm not sure. You two seem close."

"Her twin brother was my best friend."

"Bucky?" Stark had obviously heard a lot about us from Howard.

I sighed and nodded. Natasha looked upstairs, then back at me. "Why are you still upset about it? It's been seventy years!"

I rolled my eyes. "Not for me. It's not my fault I was asleep for seventy years! I can still see him falling from the train." I stood up and started sulking upstairs. Then I stopped and closed my eyes, inhaling deeply. "I didn't save him. But I could've."

Jemma's Perspective:

    I woke up with a pounding head and groaned. Sitting up, I leaned against the headboard of the bed and looked around. The ceiling was grey and the walls were painted light blue. There was dark blue carpet on the floor. I saw Steve's shield on the wall and a picture of us with a boy on his shelf. "You're awake." Steve was standing at the door, which I assumed led to a bathroom, with his arms crossed. He was wearing a grey t-shirt and red shorts. No fashion sense at all.

    I nodded and closed my eyes; my head tilted toward the ceiling. "I'm awake. Though I'm not sure if that's a good thing."

    He sighed, drawing my attention back to him. I noticed then how red and swollen his eyes were. "I didn't mean to yell at you like that." He cautiously walked forward. "It's just been a long time, Jemma."

    I leaned forward and slowly nodded, which made the pounding in my head worse. "I understand, Steve. It's okay. I'm used to much worse," I forced a grin.

Reminiscing •A Stucky Love Story•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang