They're Coming Again.

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A little girl with long, black hair and sparkling blue eyes giggled. The boy beside her had matching hair and when he looked up, his eyes were the same, too. He splashed water on her face, making her stop giggling. Instead, she started crying, trying to wipe her eyes with her wet hands.

"Mama, mama," the boy yelled. He moved toward the girl, drying his hands on the blanket laying a few feet away. "I'm vewy sowwy, Jemma. I innit mean to."

The girl's lip quivered as her mom reached for her. "What happened, love?"

"Bucky pashed me!"

The mom looked at the boy, who's lip also began quivering. "I'm sowwy."

"It's otay." Her mom dried her face off. "Can we pway?"

Their mom nodded, "Just be careful." She kissed the tops of their heads and walked back over to their father.

As soon as she turned away, the boy hugged his sister. "I wuve oo, Jemma."

She hugged him back. "How much?"

"I wove oo da whole word!"

She giggled. "Me too, Dames!" She could never stay mad at her brother.

"I remember him." Everyone looked at me.

Then Fury grabbed me, pulling me from the room.

He leaned closer to my face. "What do you know?"

I whispered my reply, "He's still alive. They kept us together."

Fury nodded. "I figured as much. But, listen, you can't tell Steve, okay? Steve will try to go save him and we can't risk that right now."

I hissed, "Why not? Why is everybody willing to let Bucky and Jerome die?"

"They won't be killed."

"You don't know how much it hurts. The stuff they put you through is unbearable. So if I can't tell Steve, let me go save them myself. You're the one who wanted me to remember."

"You are not going. And if you think about running away anyways, we'll catch you before you make it past the door. Now, go talk to Steve, but not about this. Got it?"

I sighed, nodding. Eventually, I'd have to go back and get Bucky and Jerome. But for now, I was too weak, so I'd stay. With Steve and everyone else. I wouldn't forget again, I couldn't.

I left the room as soon as the conversation ended. Fury scared me, and it got harder to pretend to be brave around him every time. Steve smiled at me. "Everything alright?"

I nodded, "Yeah." I glanced in the room, where everyone was. "Can we go talk?"

He shrugged. "Sure." We both glanced at the stairs, remembering me sitting on them after my legs gave out. "Wanna ride on my back?"

I nodded, laughing. "Sure." He bent over, so I jumped on his back. He fixed his grip before beginning the climb upstairs.

"So, what'd you wanna talk about?" I put my head on his back; I could feel his heartbeat.


"Right," his heart began to quicken. I smiled.

We made it to his bedroom, so I hopped off his back and onto the bed. He laid at the end, arms under his head, and closed his eyes. "So, you remember everything?"

I nodded. "I think so. But I have a question."


I was nervous to ask him. We'd just reunited, and I was about to ask him something really personal. I closed my eyes and tried to slow my breathing. I opened them. "Who was the boy you were in love with?" I tried to raise my voice, but it came out in a whisper.

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