Chapter 10

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"What was that, Clarke?" I blushed. 

"Nothing." Lexa came over to us, her cheeks as red as mine. 

"Glad you could make it, Clarke," she said, smiling. Anya and Lincoln looked at each other and looked back at us. 

"Well we'll talk to you guys later then." They walked away as I struggled to call out a cursing sentence. Lexa looked back over to me.

"Shall we?" I looked over to her with a questioning, gay look. She laughed.

"Go SWIMMING!" I looked at her, and the next thing I knew my head was under water. Everyone looked up from what they were doing. I came up from the water, rubbing my eyes. Lexa had her hand over her mouth, laughing. I growled, swimming to the edge to where she was standing.

"You will regret that." She smirked.

"Will I?" I then stood up and held on to her waist. She looked down at me, shocked. I grinned and pulled her down towards the water. She screamed as she did a huge belly flop into the water, splashing Raven, Murphy, Emori, and Luna. Emori and Luna jumped up the minute the water hit them. Raven and Murphy were laughing so hard that Raven was clutching her heart dramatically. Lexa looked at me with a shocked look on her face.

"I did not think you had it in you." She leaned closer to me.

"You seemed to like grabbing my waist like that though." I gasped and turned around, but she was heading out of the water to dry off. Bellamy ran through the back door. 

"I GOT PIG YOU GUYS!" Everyone cheered, and I suddenly noticed I was quite hungry. I swam to the edge of the pool and pulled myself up. Lexa stood by the door, waiting. I looked over at her and smirked.

"Can't keep your eyes off of me can you?" She smiled.

"Maybe not." Anya walked up behind us and wrapped her arms around us, pulling her into her armpits. 

"MY LITTLE SISTER IS GROWING UP SO FAST." Lexa rolled her eyes as Anya started fake sobbing. I slapped Anya.

"If we don't get over there fast, Bellamy and Lincoln are going to eat our servings." Sure enough, Bellamy and Lincoln had their mouths full with almost as much of the meat as they chew. I sat down , grabbing some pig and handing it to Lexa, who sat down on the other side of me. She smiled at me and nodded. 

"So Clarke, you beat Lexa did you," Bellamy asked in between his mouthfuls of food. Lexa tensed up next to me, dropping her fork. I looked at her and coughed a bit to clear the tension.

"Yeah, but Lexa went easy on me." She looked down at her feet, her eyes burning with anger. Bellamy looked at her and frowned. 

"You okay Lexa?" She stood up quickly.

"Do you ever just keep your mouth shut Bellamy?" Everyone looked at her in confusion. She looked down at me, and I looked up at her with concern. 

"I'm sorry Lexa I didn't know-" She didn't let him finish. She stormed up the stairs, and then she was gone. Bellamy looked at Anya.

"I really am sorry, I didn't think she would be angry." Anya sighed.

"It's not completely your fault Bell, but her fighting is everything to her. She wants to become commander." Everyone gasped, me the loudest.

"Has there ever even been a women commander?" Murphy asked. Emori punched him in the arm. 

"Shut up John."

"It was just a question!" Anya nodded.

"Once, many many years ago. No one thinks they had what it took, until Lexa proved her skills again and again." I shook my head.

"I'm not cut out to be a leader. I just wanted to make sure my mom had enough to eat everyday- just after my dad..." The group nodded quietly. After a few moments of silence, Anya sighed.

"I should go check on her." As she stood up, I put my arm in front of me.

"No, this is my battle, let me." I stoop up, and Anya sat down, directing me to Lexa's room. I walked up and saw a closed door. I knocked softly.

"Lexa, it's Clarke, may I come in?"

OMGGGG IT'S BEEN SO LONG! HEY GUYS, I AM BACK! So much has happened. I got a girlfriend! (She loves the show too.) I passed finals last semester, and I've finally put some mental health first, and I'm feeling up to writing more. I want to thank you for all the support. I'm 15, so this might not be as good as others, but I'm doing my best. I hope you enjoy, I will try and post at least weekly. XXOXOXOX :)- Emma

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