Chapter 9

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"Hey Clarke, I'm home." I pulled a jacket over my shoulder so I wouldn't be completely exposed on the way to the party. I walked downstairs to see my mom taking her shoes off. She looked up at me with a proud look on her face. She came over and wrapped me in a hug.

"Mph- mom what is this for?" She let go of me and smiled.

"A little birdy at work told me that Lexa got defeated by a girl her age. And when I asked who, they said Clarke Griffin." I looked off to the side, defeated.

"She let me win I think." My mom looked at me confused. 

"Honey, you should be proud-"

"I feel bad, I don't think she's very happy about it." My mom sighed and ran her fingers through my hair.

"You're very selfless honey, but Lexa will get even better with a challenge." I shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess." I felt the drawing of her in my pocket and smiled a bit. My mom walked towards the kitchen.

"Don't you have a party to go to tonight?" 

"Yeah, I really should be going actually," I said. 

"Alright, don't stay out too late please. Be safe!" 

"Love you mom."

"Love you too Clarke." I walked out the front door and started walking. When I was a few minutes from my house, the branches rustled and two figures appeared in front of me. I screamed as loud as I could, when the figures came more into the light. Lincoln and Octavia. They were laughing, sounding like they were dying. I rolled my eyes.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY!" They were leaning over now, catching their breaths.

"What are you two doing here anyways?" Lincoln was the first to calm down.

"We were just making sure you didn't get lost!" 

"I'm more than capable of finding my way by myself." Octavia stood up and patted my back.

"Okay Clarke." We started walking until we reached the house. Anya ran outside to greet us. 

"CLARKE, YOU BEAT LEXA!?" I nodded. She started laughing.

"I thought she'd be too distracting for you." I rolled my eyes again as the three of them started dying again.

"Yeah yeah yeah, where is she anyways." Anya shrugged.

"Probably getting ready for youuuuu." I blushed, and started walking into the house. 

"Clarkeeee wait for us!" I saw a knife in the wall and walked over to it. I yanked it out and turned around. Anya and Lincoln were now right behind me. I handed it to Anya.

"You might want to be careful, someone could get hurt." I turned around and started to walk outside.

"IT WAS LEXA WHO THREW IT," Anya yelled after me. The rest of the crew was outside. Raven was splashing Murphy with water, Emori and Luna were talking at the edge, watching their partners goof off. Bellamy and Octavia were bickering. I smiled and walked over towards the pool. I took off my jacket, folding it up so no one could find the drawing. I stepped in, not to eager to get wet. Raven noticed me and swam over.

"What's the matter Griffin? Can't swim?"

"No I can, it's just-" She then yanked my arm, making me fall forward into the water. When I emerged, everyone was laughing. I grinned.

"Oh yeah?" I attacked her, pushing her under water. After a minute, I let her up for air. She was panting.


"You're being overdramatic Raven." She splashed me with water, declaring war. After a few minutes, I surrendered, getting out of the pool. My hair was now darker, and I smelled like a wet dog.

"Attractive," I muttered to myself. I headed over to where Lincoln and Anya were sitting. 

"Having fun," Anya asked as I sat on the ledge next to them. I nodded.

"Yeah, but where is Lexa?" Lincoln pointed behind me.

"Your lover girl is coming out right now." I looked over and stopped breathing. She was wearing her bathing suit, with her hair down. My jaw dropped open.

"Oh my god." 

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