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Chapter Seven: I'm a witch

After Mr Fox said "It's you, the enchantress", he left in hurry saying he has to tell Aslan about the news along with the words- "The Centaur is right after all. She is indeed here." -and left me dumbfounded.

I turn to Mr and Mrs Beaver then asked "What was he talking about? What enchantress?"

"We don't know either" Mr Beaver answered.

The Enchantress? Did the fox hit his head and gone mad? I think I'm also starting to lose my mind.

"I... actually remember something about a myth. That there was a woman who is protecting Narnia from any harm and is also Aslan's Friend the myth says that woman was even older than Aslan," said Mrs Beaver.

"That means, I can't be that woman. I know nothing about Narnia. Mr Fox must be mistaken me for someone else." He cannot just conclude because of the fire growing, can he? All of it doesn't make any sense.

No one spoke, only the sound of the wind and crackles of burning woods and just a dreadful silence that last for a couple of minutes.

Until Lucy spoke "You told me something about a wand and spells and enchantments but I didn't believe you. Can you tell us how can you do those things, Amy?"

I sighed "I don't want you to hate me. But keeping this secret wouldn't make anything better." I took a loud sigh once again "I'm a witch" I said without any hesitation.

I could clearly see the horror in everyone's face

"W-what do you mean?" Mrs Beaver asked looking terrified

"You're o-one of t-them?" Susan asked glancing over to Peter whose eyes widen.

"No! I am a witch but not like the white witch's witch. I told you not every witch are evil." They didn't seem completely convinced so I started to explain myself.

"I'm not from here, in Narnia. I'm also from England okay? I go to a school for witches and wizards well, we are not really allowed to tell this to people who are not witches or wizards. But whatever, to make it shorter, I'm on your side" I explained.

"And how are we gonna tell if you're telling the truth?" Asked Peter

"Remember when I told you I was running away from a person that wants to kill me? Well, that person had killed hundreds of witches and wizards that aren't pureblood."

"What do you mean? You guys have specifications?" Susan asked, now they looked a little interested.

"Sort of. Well in my case, I'm a half-blood. My mum's a witch and my dad is a muggle."

"Muggle?" Lucy asked

"How would I explain it... Ah like you, son of adam or daughter of eve as what Narnians call them. And yes, I have a part of Human in me"

"So it's hereditary?" Susan asked once again

"Mostly. But there are times that a witch is born by two muggle parents. They're called muggle-born. And also Squib who are born with one or two magical parents but doesn't have any magic"

"Woah. That's amazing" Peter muttered.

"So... We could be witches or wizards?" asked Lucy

"There's an early sign that a child is born with the abilities. Do you experience something magical? Except of course this" I said

"Sometimes I feel like I can read other people's minds," Peter said

Susan laughed "That's just some psychological tricks. Not magic at all"

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