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Chapter Four: The Beavers

After being 'psst' by a bird, Amy, and the Pevensies went outside Mr Tumnus house to investigate but the bird quickly flew away as they stepped outside the house.

After a second, they heard something moving behind the bushes just a couple of meters away from them and then within seconds, it went from different directions. They became a little scared making Lucy grab Susan's arm and Susan hold tightly on Peter's shoulders. Amy slowly holds her wand inside her pocket and getting ready if ever there's harm going on their way.

 Amy slowly holds her wand inside her pocket and getting ready if ever there's harm going on their way

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"It...It's a beaver" Peter muttered

They all sighed in relief as they saw a beaver showed up from the large stone.

"Obviously," Amy said sarcastically

The beaver slowly walked towards them. "Here, boy," Peter said with his hand doing a weird gesture to let the beaver go near him. Just as he about to touch its face the beaver suddenly spoke "I ain't gonna smell it if that's what you want"

Amy gasped then looked at the beaver with her eyes wide open as well as Susan and Edmund while Lucy chuckles and Peter backed away. "Oh. Sorry" he apologized.

Amy was really amazed because even in the wizarding world there are rare or maybe even no animals or creatures that are capable of human speech, well except if you're a parselmouth but witches and wizards with that ability are also rare. Although she knew one; Harry Potter.

"Lucy Pevensie?" The Beaver asked looking over to Lucy.

They all stopped laughing and looked over to Lucy who also looks confused. She slowly stepped forward then said "Yes?"

The beaver stretched his rather short arms to hand a white handkerchief to Lucy. She took the handkerchief and said, "This is the hankie I gave to Mr Tumn-"

"Tumnus, yes. He gave that to me before they took him." The beaver said.

"Is he alright?" Lucy asked

"Further in" The beaver replied before going away.

Amy looked at the other Pevensie "Are we gonna follow him?"

"I think so" Peter answered then started to follow the beaver.

"What are you doing?!" Susan said stopping them.

"How do we know we can trust him?" Edmund ask.

"He said he knows the faun" Peter answered.

"He's a beaver, He shouldn't be saying anything!" Susan replied

"I think Susan's right. We cannot just trust anyone here. We don't know what dangerous creatures are there lurking around" Amy said

"Is everything alright?" The beaver asked from afar.

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