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Chapter Seventeen: Ended at The Beginning

"Congratulations, your majesty." said the Narnians that Amaryllis walked past, to which she replied with "Thank you"

"Lucy?" Amy calmly called Lucy when she saw her on the Cair Paravel's balcony looking somewhere.

Amaryllis walked beside Lucy and she saw where the youngest queen is looking at. It's Aslan. He's walking alone on the shore just right outside the castle towards the woods. Amy looked at Lucy who looks confused but at the same time sad.

"Don't worry," said a voice from behind. Amy looked at who just spoke and saw Mr Tumnus, she smiled and took a step to the side to let Mr Tumnus go between her and Lucy. "We'll see him again," he added.

"When?" asked Lucy. "In time," he said walking to space between their two new queens.

"One day he'll be here and the next he won't," Tumnus explained. "But you mustn't press him. After all, he is not a tame lion."

"No..." said Lucy "But he is good."

"You're right, Aslan might not be here with us physically but he is always here, emotionally, and besides there are more countries he needs to attend to and he could always visit us here," said Amaryllis, the Enchantress.

"Yes, and Amy knows it perfectly because she helped him over hundreds of years," said Mr Tumnus

Amy chuckled remembering her life as Aslan's infamous companion. But she no longer can do the things she did before, she doesn't have eternity anymore, she could die, but she will spend the rest of her life as a Queen and a protector of the world she helped to create and the people living in it that she cared for.

Tumnus gave Lucy a hankie and said, "You need it more than I do."

Lucy smiled and looks over to Aslan but he disappeared, she looks at Tumnus then at Amy in shock. Amy smiled at her and Tumnus sighed softly.

"I'll leave you both here now, I'll go see Peter," Amy said that Lucy and Tumnus replied with a nod. She pats Lucy's shoulder softly before going back inside the castle.

She looks around to find him because she already talked to Susan and Edmund and just a couple of seconds ago with Lucy. It did not take her so long to find him. Peter is talking with Oreius meters away from the throne. She walks towards them which both Peter and Oreius noticed. Amy smiled and said "Oreius!" excitedly. She hugged the Centaur for a few seconds before he said "Congratulations, Your Majesty."

"Can you offer something different? I heard that like 50 times this day." She said that made them laugh "Just kidding. And thank you, but can I borrow Peter for a moment?"

"All yours," said Oreius before taking a bow and leave.

"Hi," said Peter awkwardly. Amy chuckled "Hi" she replied "I just want to say congratulations. We did it."

"Yes, we did." Peter sighed.

"Why?" asked Amy when she noticed that Peter looks quite unhappy.

"I've been thinking about home, I mean England. I wonder what is happening in there or is our mother okay?" he said sitting on the stairs "As much as I want to go back, we have this responsibility but I'm not saying I do not like it here, I do, it's - it's great. It's just that I am not certain if we did the 'right' thing" He explained.

Amy sat beside him, "I've been thinking the same thing. I left my friends there and my mum and dad, even though I just used them to be born again as who I am today, they are my parents and I love them and I want to at least say goodbye. But what I am worried about is... the time," she said.

The Witch (Narnia x Harry Potter)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin