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' but I watch your eyes as she walks by

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' but I watch your eyes as she walks by ...

... what a sight for sore eyes '


Han maneuvers the Falcon through the tightly knit maze of asteroids. Elara anxiously rubs her temple, watching from the cockpit's entry way as he narrowly misses a sizable one that would've killed them all.

Flynn glances back at her, and gestures for her to sit back down.

"I'll be fine." She mouths, just as one bounces off the ship, hard enough to knock her off her feet if Leia's reflexes reacted any slower. The Princess delivered a glare that did not break until she took a seat back on Flynn's lap.

"You said you wanted to be around when I made a mistake," Han reminded Leia of her earlier words, "Well, this could be it, sweetheart."

"I take it back! We're gonna be pulverized if we stay out here much longer."

"I'm not gonna argue with that, Han sighed in defeat, "I'm going in closer to one of those big ones."


"You've lost your damn mind, Han."


"Yeah, that's it. Dagobah." Luke says to Artoo, who beeps back an inquiry.

"No, I'm not going to change my mind about this," he glances down at his ship's scanner, "I'm not picking up any cities or technology. Massive life form readings though. There's something alive down there."

Artoo responds again, this time with a slightly anxious inquiry. "Yes I'm sure it's perfectly safe for droids."

Luke begins his descent into the planet's cloudy atmosphere. The thickness of the clouds completely obscured not only his vision, but the vision of his ship's scopes as well. An alarm begins to blare as Artoo squeals frantically.

"I know, I know! All the scopes are dead I can't see a thing! Just hang on, Artoo, I'm gonna start the landing cycle!"

Soon, the sound of the X Wing falling further towards the surface cancels out the screams of a frightened Artoo, and then darkness overcame the blonde as the ship tore through tree limbs and came to a halt.

Pain. That's all he can sense amongst total darkness. Then screams, sobs – familiar ones – echo in his ears from all directions.

The darkness fades into a sleek, white hallway. To his left, a Stormtrooper forcefully shoved a familiar, unconscious girl into a room. It was his Ellie. He tries to run to her rescue, but finds himself unable to move, as if he were encased in cement.

A strong force propels him into the floor, and pulls him back up, now inside the room Elara was shoved into. Still, he could neither move nor call out to her. All his body could do was helplessly watch a tall figure, draped in sinister black robes, abuse her like she were a child's toy, tossing her into a wall using the Force for meeting his taunts with her signature sharp tongue, all while she cried out for him to stop.

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