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" going faster than a million miles an hour, trying to catch my breath some way, somehow "

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" going faster than a million miles an hour, trying to catch my breath some way,
somehow "

Throughout the main hangar bay, pilots bustled about. Some hopped up on adrenaline, some apprehensive, and some defiant of their orders.

Elara's gaze wanders around the bustling room. Pilots rush to their ships, mechanics making last minute repairs, and some, rush away from their ships, refusing to be part of the mission.

"This is insane!"

"How do they expect us to pull this off?"

Her eyes land on one pilot in particular, who, currently attempts to negotiate with a certain cocky smuggler to stay to help with their mission. "Well take care of yourself, Han! I guess that's what you're best at, isn't it?"

She makes eye contact with the smuggler for a moment, flashing him a gaze of disappointment, before following after the blonde pilot. "Hey, Luke."

"Yeah?" He answers in a dejected tone.

She flashes a comforting smile, "Don't let him get to you."

"I just – I don't understand why he wants to leave," he runs a hand through his hair, "I mean, after everything."

"We just have to let him follow whatever path he chooses – and just hope it'll lead him back."

Before Luke could respond, Elara's holo watch lights up from an urgent message. We're almost ready. Control room now. – Leia.

"You should probably get that, Elara," Luke smiles.

She turns to leave, "One more thing — you're not allowed to die up there Skywalker," a smirk tugs at her lips, "and you can call me Ellie next time."

"I'll try not to, Ellie." He watches as the brunette walks away. Something about her captivated him.


"Death Star approaching. Estimated time to firing range: 15 minutes."

Elara's headset couldn't block out the announcement.

15 minutes. They only got 15 minutes to carry out the attack. 15 minutes that could be the last minutes of their lives.

"You ready?" Leia asks her friend, breaking the girl's unwavering gaze of the control screen in front of them.

"As I'll ever be."

"All wings report in." Red leader's voice breaks a short silence. One by one, each pilot checks in.

"On your mark, Red leader." An officer instructs the commander.

"Lock S Foils in attack position." He instructs, "we're passing through the magnetic field. Switch your deflectors on double front."

The pilots approach the structure in awe. "Look at the size of that thing!"

"Cut the chatter Red 2! Accelerate to attack speed," the control screen blips to indicate the rapid changes in their speed, "this is it boys!"

Gold leader sounds over the control room. "Red leader, this is Gold leader"

"I copy Gold leader."

"We're starting for the target shaft now."

"We're in position," Red leader confirms, "I'm gonna cut across to try and draw their fire."

Several members of the Red group successfully veered away from the rest of the fighters, and drew the Empire's fire.

"Heavy fire, boss, 23 degrees!"

"I see it, stay low."

"This is Red 5, I'm going in." Luke's fighter dove close to the surface of the Death Star.

"Careful, Skywalker," Elara warns through her headset, "don't get too close."

"Copy that, Ellie."

Luke fires on the structure as his ship dives closer. The laser fire causes an explosion on the surface – and the smoke engulfs his ship.

"Luke pull up," Biggs yells into his headset, "are you alright?"

"I'm a little cooked but I'm ok!"

Enemy fire intensifies from the right side of a deflection tower. "I'm on it!" Luke, along with two others, veer off towards the tower.

"Cover me, Porkins."

Seconds later, Porkins' fighter goes up in flames and all communication with his fighter is lost.

"Squad leaders, we've picked up a new group of signals – enemy fighters heading your way."

"My scope's negative. I don't see anything!" Luke insists.

"Pick up your visual scanner, here they come."

Leia nods toward Elara's headset. "Help him, Ellie."

She breathes in and begins to speak. "Luke, I can see every single one of those fighters right now," she reassures, "I'm not letting you get killed today."

sorry i went so long without an update – again
i hope you all enjoyed
don't forget to comment and vote <3

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