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tw abuse and sexual assault

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tw abuse and sexual assault

" am I asleep,
am I awake,
or somewhere in between? "

"Ellie," a Rebel doctor quietly knocked on the half open door, "I have the scan, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure." The makeshift cot creaked as she slowly stood up from it, and quietly wandered over to the older woman.

She pulled up the scan on her tablet, and pointed to something on the black and white image. "Now, he does have a very mild concussion, but they do not typically show up on scans unless there's damage or bleeding, which you can see on here that there's not. However, concussions do commonly cause confusion, but I don't think that it was a cause of what you explained to me. You said he was talking to a dead guy, right?"

"That's what Han told me," she glanced at him sound asleep through the room's window, "so, what did cause it then?"

"From experience, it was more than likely from hypothermia, since he had already been stuck out there for hours when Han found him," she explained, Elara nodding her head in understanding, "and combining that with the beginning stages of shock from his injuries, as well as the mild concussion, creates the perfect breeding ground for hallucinations. In my opinion, it's a miracle he made it through the night out there."

"Thank you, Doctor Jysyal."

"That's what I'm here for," she offered the younger woman a gentle smile, "remember to give him any oxygen or meds if the monitor says he needs them, and if anything happens page me immediately, okay?"

"You already know I'm gonna be watching him all night." she stifled a laugh.

"That's good, but you best believe I will be checking that you get some sleep, Elara. I don't wanna see you laying unconscious in my medbay too," she teased.

Elara gently slid shut the door behind her, and laid back onto the cot provided by the kind medical staff.


Elara's shoes pitter-pattered against the cobblestone ground of the overlook Alderaan's snow capped mountains. Leia's senate campaign brought her to the small settlements here so she could gain the vote of rural Alderaanians, and she'd chosen to bring Elara as her right hand.

She rested her arms on the railing of the overlook, admiring the glimmering stars and planets tucked between the mountains. The tranquility of the sight was something out of an ancient painting, back before technology and chaos overran the galaxy.

Invisible Smoke ➵ l.s. (editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora