Zach x Reader

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This is for all my girls (or boys!) Who simp for Zach. Personally I have no interest in Zach and more in Drake so this will be interesting. Let's see what its like too be Alex...

Your walking through the hallway, heading out to the Garden when you bump into someone. You rub your sleepy eyes too see a tall figure infront off  you.

"Hey princess, where are you off too so early?" Sais a handsome voice.

You blush and tell him that you felt a little sick and needed some fresh air

"Why dont I come sit with you, We can watch the sunrise" He smiles, Taking your hand and gently leading you too the garden.

You sit on the grass, Watching the crimson sun slowly rise. You wrap your arms around Hidiki, who is laying on your lap, dozing peacefully.

"Are you cold baby?" Asks Zach.

You nod your head.

Zach scoots closer too you, embracing you into a hug. Hidiki Let's out out delightful purrs as you rest your head on Zachs shoulder.

"I love you" He says

You bury your head into his chest, now pretty much on his lap. He holds you for what feels like forever. You wish it would never end. You could feel yourself dozing off.

You tell Zach that you would like too go back too bed and That you are feeling better now. He picks you up, gently carrying you back inside too your room. He lays down next too you. You cuddle up too him.

You think how lucky you are too have such a kind, loving soulmate.

Hope you enjoyed Guys! Lemme know if u want me too do Any other squad members! 🥽⛸☁️

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