Chapstick Challenge (Chalight)

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Kharli Pov:
I'm bored I wanna play a game that's not a video game. Wait, where is Light? Hes not here with the others. Meh. Woah! I have an idea.

End of pov

"Hey guys! Wanna play an actual game?
Asked Kharli.

"Sure!" Replied the squad.
"LIGHT WANNA PLAY A GAME?!" Shouted everyone.
"Oh sure!" Said Light shoving his Kharli photos in his pocket.

"Ok so I was thinking the chapstick Challenge?" Said Kharli "The girls put on a chapstick and the boys kiss them and try to guess the flavour!"

"Sounds fun!" said Zach looking at Alex.

"Kharli how about you go first as you thought of it?" Said Jade.

"Uhm sure" said Kharli "who do I kiss?"

"Light!" Said Alex and Jade.

"Oh ok.." said Kharli.

Light pov:

I'm feeling quite affectionate today, I'll make her happy, or I'll try.

End of pov

Light closed his eyes while Kharli put on the chapstick.

"Ready" she said.
Light turned around. He had unbuttoned his shirt and walked over to Kharli. He pinned her too the wall and whispered in her ear.
"You ready"

Kharli nodded pulling light closer.

They kissed. After a minute Light pulled away. 

"Do you know?" Said Kharli panting.

Light paused.

"Hm no I think I need to try again" smirked Light.

Kharli put a finger over his mouth and pulled him right in front of her. She rubbed his tanned Chest as he kissed her.

After a few minutes Kharli pulled away panting hard.

"Cola?" Panted Light.

Kharli nodded as she she couldn't speak.

"Yall done-?" Said Drake.

"Yes he got i-" Charli stopped and Light kissed Her for the 3rd time.

They stopped.

Kharli pulled lights tie.

"Dont stop" she moaned.

Oh my- ok uhm yeah I'm done 😃✋ Hope you enjoyed Lmaodhhdhw  djsmh

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