1 - Hogwarts Preparations

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Astrid Williams was sitting on her bed, staring at her open trunk. School started in a week and she hadn't packed yet. She kept telling herself it was because she was yet to receive her Hogwarts letter, or that she hadn't gone to Diagon Alley to get her books – the truth was she was just lazy.

'Next year,' she thought, 'next year I can pack this bloody thing with magic.'

Suddenly there was a loud tapping at the window, and Astrid turned to see what was making the noise. It was an owl! Finally, her Hogwarts letter had arrived. Without hesitation, she ripped open her letter and read the contents:

'Dear Miss Williams,

Please note that the new school year will begin on the first of September, and the Hogwarts Express will leave from platform nine and three-quarters at eleven o'clock.

Your N.E.W.T. subjects have been confirmed and are as follows:





A list of books you will need to purchase for the new school year is enclosed, along with your sixth year prefect badge.

Yours sincerely,

Professor M. McGonagall


Astrid was thrilled that her choices for N.E.W.T.s had been confirmed, she was already sure that they would be – having received all Os in the necessary subjects – but having the conformation there was nice. After reading the letter all the way through, she went downstairs to inform her parents.

Astrid was a muggle-born, and her parents – not being wizards – were always fascinated by the wizarding world and wanted to be as involved in her life as possible. After they were told that Astrid had magical powers, it was all they ever spoke about – Astrid frequently thought that they're more excited about it than she was. They were so enthusiastic, in fact, they had never missed a trip to Diagon Alley. Every year they would come with her to gawp at the fantastic items in the shop, and every year they would buy something new for the house. The everlasting candle they bought last year was still burning on top of the fireplace.

"My Hogwarts letter arrived," Astrid said, nonchalantly as she poured herself a bowl of cereal.

She didn't need to say it twice; both her parents had already leapt to her side, anxious to hear what it said.

"Read it yourself if you want, it's the same as last year's. The only difference this time is I have less books to buy." She informed them.

Her mother enthusiastically grabbed the letter from her hand. "Oh you got all your newt subjects!"

"And you're still a prefect!" her dad chimed in.

"Yeah, we basically knew both those things already, like I said, there's no new information in there." Astrid said, as she grabbed her bowl and walked off to the table.

"Honey, do you remember that day - five years ago now, can you believe – that we found out Astrid was a witch?" her mum reminisced.

"I remember it like it was yesterday," her dad continued – ready to launch into a story.

Astrid cut him off, her irritated tone still easily distinguishable through a mouthful of cereal. "We don't need to hear the story again about how McGonagall came into the fireplace, and you thought you had eaten something funny – until-," she swallowed, "-mum confirmed she had also seen it. Then she produced the letter, and wow! It turns out I have magic! What a day for this family!"

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