The Strange Encounter

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Three hours until my life changes forever. I am dreading the count down on my wrist hitting zero and disappearing. I grab my bag and stop at the little coffee shop on my way to Books in Wonderland. I quickly clock in and begin to organize the bookshelves in the shop along with taking inventory. I watch as people come and go as they please. Easily helping a few of the customers find what books they are looking for.

Business starts to slow down, so I pull my trusty sketchbook out of my bag. I draw my gray cat as I periodically look at the tattoo on my wrist counting down every second until I meet the name placed below the timer. Next, I draw the blurry monster that has been plaguing my dreams recently.

After hearing the bell above the door ring, I get back to work. I slam my body into something hard as my chest burns from a scorching hot liquid. The liquid smells exactly like coffee.

"I am terribly sorry. I wasn't paying too much attention as to where I was going."

"It was my fault, Sir," I take a step back from the mysterious man.

"You can call me Castiel."

"I'm Luna; is there anything I can help you with?"

"You wouldn't happen to have any books on World War Two, would you?"

"I think I have come across one or two earlier today. If you follow me, I am sure we can find them." Weaving my way through the multiple bookshelves, I glance down to my wrist to find the timer has disappeared.

"Your last name is Addams, isn't it?"

"We just met; how did you know that Luna?" A look of pure confusion spreads like a fire all over his face. I watch as his face contorts to one of realization. "Let me guess your last name is Barnes. I have been waiting for what feels like ages to finally meet you."

I finally find five books over the war to end wars. I turn to look at him. His steel blue eyes stare into my eyes as if he was looking into my soul. I hand the books over to him. "Do you want to look around for more books or go ahead and buy these?"

He smiles as he asks about the price on the WW2 books. A large group of people rush into the store and crowd around Castiel. I am shoved around until eventually being pushed out of the group.

Huh, why are they piling around him? I head behind the counter and ring up the five World War Two books. I patiently wait for the circle to leave Castiel by himself. I pull my sketchbook from the underside of the counter. Flipping to a new page, I begin to draw Castiel since I can't get seem to get the image out of my mind.

His short brown hair is styled like that out of the forties. I quickly shade the hair along with drawing his thick eyebrows. I struggle slightly with his sharp jawline. His cheekbones show prominently on his face. I fill in his jaw with the light stubble scattered across it. I begin to work on the dimple residing upon his chin.

"You are a remarkable artist," I look down as my cheeks redden at his compliment.

"Um, thank you. If you want, you can have it. May I ask why those people were crowding around you like that?"

"I guess, you don't really know who I am, do you?"

"I can't say that I do."

"I am an actor in a lot of movies and the occasional TV show." I can tell he is waiting for me to freak out. He quickly pays for the books and is off on his way to who knows where.

Of course, my soul mate has to be a famous actor. My life is definitely going to become a whole lot more difficult. I bet he covers his tattoos up for work and interviews. I kind of wonder where he went in such a hurry.

I look at the time realizing it is my lunch break. I call out to my boss asking if he wanted me to pick up something for him. After receiving his answer, I make my way to the pizza shop a couple of blocks over. Passing an alley, I could have sworn I heard an animalistic growl; However, I can't see where in the alley the sound was coming from.

I proceed on my trip to the pizza shop. After I eat my beloved pepperoni pizza, a set of eyes follow my every move. From where I'm not sure.

A rough hand yanks me into the alleyway. Another hand slips its way under my shirt. I let a growl out my throat. I try to fight the man off me, yet I couldn't get him away from me. I try to scream out for help.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, sweetheart. If you play nice, I might just let you live."

He grips my throat as he slams the back of my head against the brick wall behind me.The grip on my neck shifts to my waist as a set of teeth finds its way to my pulse. The feeling is short-lived as my vision fades to black, but not before witnessing the man being thrown to the other wall.

I wake up to find the man still against the other wall. I slowly stand up and move toward him. His skin is ghostly white as if he has been drained of all his blood.

Terrified by his death, I hurry back the rest of the way to the shop; the event plays over and over in my mind.

Who could possibly have done that to someone? There is no way an average person could do something like that. Whoever killed that man so brutally has some severe issues.

My head continues to ache due to how hard I hit it against the wall. My boss walks out from the back just as I come through the door.

"What in the world happened to you?"

"I'm fine. I just-." I no longer can see as everything goes back to black yet again.

Opening my eyes, I become blinded by a bright white light above me.

"That was quite the scare you gave me, Luna."

"Well, that wasn't my intention, Steve." I groan as my eyes finally adjust to the lights in the room. "How long have I been out of it?"

"A couple of hours at the least." Steve continues to watch over me.

The doctor walks in, "Ms. Barnes, The blunt force trauma you sustained from your injuries was severe. You are extremely lucky the injuries did not kill you."

"Um, when can I go home?" I ask.

"I would like to keep you overnight. However, I understand if you feel uncomfortable staying the night. If you decide to go home, I recommend you spend the night with someone you trust. I would like to inform you of the precautions you should take."

I try to tell Steve that I will be fine alone. "I promise to call if anything happens."

Once I make it home, I proceed into my room and notice that someone broke into my apartment. My bedroom is completely trashed. I reach for my trusty bat; in case, whoever broke in is still here.

After scoping the place out, I realize I am the only person in the apartment asides my cat, Smokey. I guess I will have a scary movie night. Might as well get to work on making some popcorn. What to watch? What in the world shall I ever watch? Maybe I will look into watching one of Cas's movies.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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