chapter four

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In reality, Phil'Za had made up his mind as soon as he heard what the elf spoke of. He hadn't mentioned anything of prophecies, nor heard much of them, in what well could have been hundreds of years. But that didn't mean he hadn't heard of one.

He knew something had been on the horizon long before he adopted Techno, but that feeling was replenished in his when that happened. Same for Tommy, and same for the newcomer. Phil could tell from his first run-in with each of them that they had a lot more potential than his brother saw.

Even then, he still wasn't ready. He knew the dangers, he knew the threats they would face would be greater than any one of this plane had ever seen, and they would go through more hardships than anyone should.

Especially a runaway bard, a mentally uncertain pig, and a literal child.

To say the least, this would be a shitshow. For all parties involved.

Footsteps interrupted his thoughts. He turned to the doorway to see none other than Kristin, hastily walking towards him, still crouched on the floor.

"Phil, Techno told me what happened, are you alright?" Kristin laid her arm out on her husband's back, rubbing her hand in calming circles.

Phil smiled, sitting back before standing himself up, "Yeah, I'll be fine," He responded, pecking a kiss on her temple. "Wilbur hasn't even been here twenty-four hours and he's already being swept up into this madness."

"Oh, poor boy," Kristin laughed, "Let me guess, you apologized and he said something that got the rest up riled up."

Phil chuckled, "How did you know!"

Kristin shook her head, "Men are predictable, honey. Plus the fact that I've known you for hundreds of years helps," she laughed, patting her husband on the back, "Now come on, you need to change, dear."

Phil laughed and followed after her, "Well," she started back up again, "When are you planning on leaving?" she asked casually.

"Phil looked at her, surprised, "What do you mean? I haven-"

Kristin silenced him, "I know you're itching to get out of here, Phil. You have been for three hundred years, but you've been waiting. And now the time has come."

Phil rubbed the back of his neck, "Well- I mean, yes. But I don't want to leave you, nor Tommy. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to him. He just isn't ready."

"And you think Wilbur or Techno is? Hon, you don't even know if Wilbur can hold a sword properly." She told him patiently, "Tommy's fate, nor Techno's or Wilbur's, is not in our hands, and they haven't been since the beginning."

"I'm not changing my stance, Tommy isn't going with me," Phil said softly, opening the doors to his bedchamber and going to change into some clean clothes. Kristin let out a small laugh, shaking her head.

"If you insist, if you insist. Get some rest dear, I figure you best be ready for whatever tomorrow holds."

And so, the day went on. Phil'Za spent most of his time awaiting news and plotting. His wife was right, as she usually was. So he had his plan.

By that evening, a messenger had arrived in his court with a map and urgent news. About a month prior an unknown dark force had stormed multiple cities, slaughtering anyone who stood in their path, and they seemed to suck the earth of all life and beauty as they went, leaving behind fire, death, and most ominously, the same purple crystals that the elf in his court died too.

This was all the confirmation Phil needed. He summoned Wilbur and Techno into his quarters only minutes later to tell them of his plan. He told them all about it, how long he estimated it would take, he told them about the mountain ranges and oceans. He told them how it would be treacherous, and then of course he told them the final part he had left out. He would be going alone.

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