chapter two

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tw// swearing, cages, people stuck in cages

The trip wasn't much over an hour and was mostly filled with banter between the brothers as Phil'Za out the window, occasionally budding in to stop one from murdering the other or looking down to check the time.

Dark mountains soon emerged over the skyline. They passed through following wheat fields and over cold rivers until they passed through the first line of boundary markers.

The silhouette sent chills up Tommy's spine every time he had the displeasure of seeing it. Jagged obsidian points adorned with plentiful gold and details sprung from the side of an equally ominous mountain. Ornate quartz sculptures dotted the perfect gardens that were only ever touched by mindless gardeners. The memories never got more pleasant.

Their coach pulled around and the carriage door swung open. Phil'Za walked out, followed by a hesitant Tommy and Techno. They were marched up the tall stairs and through the heavy red curtains that acted as fashionable doors and onto another large set of stairs that went down this time.

Below them was the grand ballroom, carefully carved out of a large mountain. Tommy kept his eyes at his feet as Phil'Za pulsed him down the stairs. He didn't have the heart to look up. He knew what was waiting.

The warm moon shone through a tinted window, and orangey candles lit up the rest. As Tommy shuttled down the quartz stairs and onto the ballroom floor, he started looking around more.

Phil continued down the center of the ballroom, still dragging his sons behind him until he reached the very far end of the room where another set of large red curtains hung. He said something to the guard standing between the closed curtains, who quickly bowed and opened up the curtains for them.

Tommy released the breath he was holding as they passed through, finally able to get a good look around without fear of seeing any of them. Or so he thought.

The curtains that they had been let through cut off the back of the grand hall, allowing Red'Za a more personal and quiet spot to see family and friends. A few yards ahead of them, an obsidian throne rose on a pedestal adorned with, believe it or not, more red and gold. If nothing else, Red'Za was good at keeping a color pallet.

Though the tiring color pallet wasn't what made Tommy flinch away as Phil walked up the pedestal towards his brother. It was the circular cages that looked like they were made of gilded vines that hung down from the ceiling beside the throne. One on each side. Ond of course, what's the point of having cages if you couldn't fill them with something. Cages just like the two beside the throne hung all throughout the palace, mainly strung above the ballroom around the moon window.

Had it been about ten years since he had left this place? Yes. Did that change his disdain towards the place? No. Phil'Za and Techno disliked his ways as well, but Phil had always told them that it wasn't their place to argue.

Tommy tried not to keep his gaze on the creatures in the cages for too long. He didn't want to give them false hope. Techno didn't look at them either, instead, standing beside Phil'Za as he spoke to his brother.

"It's good to see you, my brother!" The king exclaimed, handing Phil'Za a drink, "And uhh.." He looked between Techno and Tommy, "Your... "

"Sons," Phil insisted, annoyance ebbing in the back of his voice but still giving his brother a smile.

"Yes, of course," He turned his attention back to completely on him brother, "Glad to see they're still conscious, especially the boy. What use do you have for him anyway?" Tommy furrowed his brow and was close to mauling the king in his stupid chair before Phil spoke again.

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