chapter one

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[song; In the Blue Hours of Morning by The Oh Hellos]

Tommy felt his feet almost run out from under him as his footsteps bellowed through the grand marble halls of the court. It was mainly empty for now, just some mindless beings carefully warming up their harps. They paid Tommy no attention. They only paid their instruments attention. It scared Tommy every time, he could have been like them.

The blue morning light shone through the high windows and onto the opulent gold detailing all around the room. Even in the dead of night, the room was never fully dark even when all the lanterns of fairy lights were put out. The high ceiling and marble pillars and floor made any step taken or any sound whispered and amplified it. His pursuer wouldn't be able to sneak up on him now.

He heard footfalls coming from down the hall, they were approaching quickly. Tommy's heart sped up and he dove behind the giant pillars and waited.

A few seconds later his pursuer appeared. The morning light shone through his wings like stained glass, sending little spots of colorful light around him. "Tommy!" the fae yelled out, "I know you're in here! I literally saw you!"

Tommy stifled a laugh, "Well lucky for me, this isn't a game of hide and seek!" he called out from behind the pillar.

The other wined, "Come on man! I can never catch you!"

Tommy peeked out from around the pillar, "What can I say, I'm just built different" the blond shrugged with a laugh.

"Yeah, in eight years when you're old and crippled and I'm still frolicking around like a little spring flower, you'll really be built different" The other called back.

"That's not fair, Tubbo! That's not something I can change! You've just gotta get good!" Tommy said as he melodramatically clutched his hand over his heart before extending it out towards Tubbo.

"Ahh yeah, how about you get good at aging? Yeahhh that's what I thought!" Tubbo called back, sticking his tongue out.

"Whatever" Tommy shook his head as we walked towards his friend, "We should probably get out of here before Techno or someone comes in and yells at us for waking him up."

Tubbo nodded and followed after Tommy as he wandered back the way they came. Tommy let one last pitying look towards the harpists, still strumming their instruments. Tommy knew they didn't have free will, but he often finds himself pondering if they could hear what was happening around them. Who knows how much inside knowledge they have but will never be able to mutter.

Tubbo followed Tommy's unreadable gaze towards the harpists, "They're creepy, aren't they?"

Tommy gave his friend a light punch on his shoulder, "Hey- what if they heard that?" he whisper-yelled at him, pulling Tubbo along as they continued to walk.

Tommy masked a laugh as he saw the sudden alarm in Tubbo's eyes, "Wait, they can hear us?"

The blond simply shrugged, "I dunno, I mean maybe they're like- like those people who get locked in comas but are aware of what's going on around them" he offered.

Tubbo seemed to not quite be able to wrap his head around what Tommy was saying, so he just continued pacing forward with a mix of confusion and concern on his face.

Tommy casually followed after him, catching up and walking syncing his stride with his friend's They aimlessly wandered around through the corridors for a while, chatting about this and that until a guard approached them, informing Tommy that he was requested by Phil'Za in the great hall. Tommy and Tubbo caught each other out of the corner or their eyes with a similar look of fright before Tommy excused the guard in front of them.

[over the palisade]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant