Farewell Revenge - pt. 2

Start from the beginning

James slammed the door and the tooth flew out, causing the whole room to spin into other dimensions and shapes until darkness fell upon him and he slammed face down on the floor.

For Sirius it was only a second before he opened his eyes and all of his friends were above him, James laughing with Peter meanwhile Remus tried to ignore the laughter in his throat. He wanted to come out as a worriesome, caring kid, just as he always did but it was only when Sirius opened his eyes that the laughter finally escaped his throat.

"Aw, Merlin." Sirius pressed his palm on the side of his head. "How long was I out?"

"Like a minute or so." Remus said, helping him to sit up.

"Thought I dropped dead for a second there." Sirius continued to rub the side of his head, his eyes in a terrible ache.

"Sirius Black, cause of death: toothache." Remus chuckled.

Sirius couldn't laugh though. As much as he would there was something still stuck in his head. No, not something. Someone.

"How much do we really know about (y/n)(y/l/n)?" he asked out of the blue, causing the other three to stop their laughter and stare at him.


Sirius rubbed his pams over his eyes and tried opening them, seeing only black spots until the vision cleared. "I mean..." he blinked a few times, adjusting to the light. "How much do we know that she is actually from a wealthy, traditional, respectful foreign pureblood wizarding family? What if she's just a Muggleborn?"

"I mean... everybody knows her family."

"Do we? All we heard was what she told other people." Sirius continued and Remus wanted to object but those brain of his were quick to interfere and contemplate Sirius' words.

"Why are you so suddenly interested in her?" James started to tease. "Do I smell plotting?" he rubbed his hands together as his eyes sparkled with mischief.

"No but she knows. She knows about us and about Remus- I don't know how but she knows. She has the upper hand on us."

"But she hasn't told anybody." James countered.

"Yet." Sirius added. "We can't prank her, she's too smart for that and she knows far too much about us. I can't just let her humiliate me in front of everybody and make them think I'm going to be degraded by a Ravenclaw. I'm degraded enough as it is. A blood-traitor, being disowned by my cursed family. I can't handle more humiliation as well but if I know one thing about her. One dirty little secret, I can make all of that go away." Sirius was hopeful in his eyes, begging their friends to help him.

He knew how he sounded. He sounded pitiful and pathethic but he wanted to prove that he wasn't. He wasn't a shoe being tossed around, especially by a Ravenclaw like you. He just wasn't. He was so much more than you made him be today.

And he wasn't one of those boys to hit a woman. He couldn't do that. Not after what his father did to his mother, no matter how much she treated him and Regulus, he still knew that women shouldn't be hit.

But he wanted to hit you. Not physically. He wanted to hurt you like you hurt him today. He wanted to show you how it feels, hurting somebody's pride. Degrading, humiliating, embarrasing them... making them show everybody in their weakest form.

That's what he wanted to do.

He wanted to kill your pride and ego as you did to him.

"She's a Muggleborn." it was more of a statement than a theory.

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