Farewell Revenge - pt. 2

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Your fist flew across his cheek and caused his whole body to hit the floor.

It shook his whole existance as he tried to get up from the floor. His hands pushed him up but it was his core muscles that were too numb to make him lift himself up. He felt tingles everywhere. His toes slipped and he fell back on his face.

"Bloody hell." he cursed under his breath and could feel the iron on his tongue as the inside of his mouth started to bleed. His tooth was hanging by the nerve, agony causing his head to spin as he touched it with his tongue.

Healthy tooth, healthy nerve, abbhorent pain from the pulp of his tooth to the back of his head.

He knew you had a temper. He knew you would yell, shout and insult him. He knew you would seethe and snarl but what he didn't know about you that you would preger a hand instead of a wand. More than that, he didn't expect you to be a fighter.

Before he could look up, your lips were at the edge of his earlobes. He could feel the warmth radiating from them and then... then came the seethe. "Keep testing me, Black and a chipped tooth won't be the only thing you'll get."

He looked over his shoulder, blue fire burning resentment. It was a glare, a stare piercing acrimony throught your soul. Though his eyes were giving you a death penalty, his strenght was still numb from the pain.

You were gone. You were gone and he was on the floor where the rest of the students were gaping at the Gryffindor whose ego was chipped away, just as his tooth.

He felt someone's hands lift him up on his feet. He knew who it was. Who else but his best friend?

He leaned on him, as he always seemed to do as James held him up, as he always seemed to do. Remus was standing beside Peter, not really understanding what had happened, despite his fast thinking. And just like Remus, Peter couldn't do anything but stare as well.

Sirius didn't speak a word but when he could feel gaining his strength back, he walked on his own.

James didn't look at him any differently. He knew that this was not only Sirius' being beated by a girl. This was Sirius, the brave, cocky Gryffindor being beaten by a Ravenclaw. It was the house pride that made Sirius not speak a single word until he came into his room, grabbing an ice pack his way there and pressing it on his cheek.

If the professors found out, there wouldn't be just house points that would be taken away. There would be expulsion because Hogwarts does not tolerate violance and after he said to you, provoking you, taunting you... the least thing he expected was a punch straight in the jaw.

But why a punch? Why hand? Why not a wand?

You came from a respectful foreign family. Wealthy, traditional...just like him.

Or at least that was what he heard from other people... or was that what you told other people about.

A Ravenclaw...

The wheels in his head started to spin faster and faster. The tooth inside his mouth hanging from his nerve and stabbing the left shadow in his head.

"That's enough." He stood up, feeling a twirl of the room as he did. He grabbed a flossing string, wrapped it around a doorknob and the other around his tooth which caused him scowling like Remus on a full moon.

James stood by the door, holding the doorknob and trying to supress the excitment in his hidden smile. "Ready?"

Sirius could see the smile emerge into a beam. He smiled at his best friend and nodded. "I know you can't wait for it, you twat. Just do-"

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