Crushing - pt. 2

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It seemed that the worst part wasn't over yet. Gathering the courage to tell the boy how you have felt for him over the years wasn't easy and the pure torture was truly the waiting.

You have waited and you have longed to see him. You have wanted to see his face, to know what you're words did to him. You have wanted to know what was going inside his mind after you told him.

Questions kept running through your head; Does he like me back? Did he tell James and everybody else? Does he think I am just some desperate girl who wants to be with him? Did he know already?

"Stop. Bouncing. Your. Leg." growled one of your friends. " It's annoying and distracting."

" Sorry." you tried to calm down but how could you calm down? It was- There he was!

He walked in the classroom, laughing and joking with James until his eyes landed on you. They stayed there- the frown disappeared and you could feel your cheeks heat up but you didn't dare to look away. No. Not when you have told him everything.

He sat down and turned forwards. For a moment you thought he decided to ignore you yet every time you looked up, you saw him staring. He was always looking back at you- always his eyes on you.

What was he thinking? What was on his mind right now?

You were so curious that you couldn't help yourself to bounce your leg over and over again.

"Please, just ring already." you mumbled, praying at the bell.

You couldn't take it anymore. You couldn't take the pressure, the not-knowing. You needed to know but it wasn't that easy. After the bell rang he did nothing but get up and leave.

He just left.


You haven't told your friends what you did. You couldn't tell them yet because you didn't want to listen their comments. They just wouldn't believe you.

"He couldn't take his eyes off you." one of your friends nudged you and you flinched.


"She's right. He kept looking at you." Sara grinned and oyu felt yourself blush again.

"He doesn't like me." you brushed them off, a smile still on your lips.

"He does. I swear he does. You didn't see him last time. He walked in the Common Room and you were too stuck in your book that you didn't see the surprising face he made when he saw you. You're denying every possibility that he might like you back, which he does." she continued but you just couldn't believe you.

"Please, D." you looked at her. "A guy like him would never like a girl like me. He's way out of my legue."

She rolled her eyes, placing a cup in front and staring at you. "You are underestimating yourself. The two of you had moments- literal moments that I never had with my ex-boyfriend. And how do I know that? Because when the two of you look at eachother there is this spark and when that spark is there and both of you see it but both of you just ignore it. You're afraid."

"I'm afraid?!" you scoffed and crossed your arms. "I told him everything last night." you finally said it. There. You said it.

She looked at you. Sara looked at you. They were both staring at you.

"You're lying." said D and leaned back.

"I'm not." you denied.

"Prove it." said Sara.

"I don't need to prove it. I just need to wait because I left before he could react." you pulled down the sleeves of your robes, nervously rubbing them against each other. "And he didn't say a word yet. The suspense is killing me, you guys. I don't know what to do."

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