So i thought of more 😗

63 1 0

61. Dads that left

62. abused MCs love interest or friends saving them from a beating

63. The MCs bullies usually only beat them up or insult them/call them names and there's no in between

64. The story is great with a terrible ending
Veronica and JD are really happy and then JD dies at the last second

65. One character making bad decisions on impulse after someone they care about dies or is thought to be dead (Dally from the Outsiders for example)
TW: attempted suicide
Spot thinks Race is dead, so he runs out of the hospital and tries to shoot himself

66. Returning to their old town after they were forced to leave their soulmate behind and they return to find out one of these two options (ship example)
Lafayette returns after 2 years and finds out Hercules is dead
Lafayette returns after 2 years to find out Hercules moved on or doesn't remember him

67. They always live in a two story house unless they're super poor (very few people I know live in a two story house, but maybe that's just because of where I live)

68. They have their own bedroom even if they have siblings, again unless they're super poor (I share a room with 2 people)

69. I'm not sure how to explain this so here's a ship example
Lafayette was in the hospital after something happened and he thought Hercules never came to see him and is upset because of this but really Herc had visited him but he was there when Laf was sleeping

Ayyy it's 69 😗

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