Chapter 1: A New Life

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A sudden jolt in my body forces my eyes open, and all I see is metal; a moving, metal cage.

How did I get here? I ask myself, but I soon realize that my mind is blank. Nothing answering my questions on how I got here, who I am, where I'm from, or where I'm heading.

I frantically stand up, just to be tossed back onto the metal floor of the cage as it races upwards. But this time I spot something I didn't notice before, or in fact someone.

A girl, with long black hair and fair skin. She's wearing a white jacket with a blue shirt underneath, her pants are almost as dark as her hair, and her shoes are only a pair of dirty white sneakers.

At the sight of her, an immediate thought pops into my head. The first thing I remember since waking up in this moving cage, a deathtrap perhaps. This girl, peacefully asleep, is my sister.

Out of nowhere, red lights begin to flash around us, blinding me with every red streak coming from outside the cage. I quickly look around for any sign of a weapon, but there's nothing. I have no choice but to find a corner and hide in my knees, nothing good could possibly come out of this situation.

Only a second later, and the cage stops. Filling the air with an unsettling silence, which doesn't last very long when faint voices are heard approaching the area. I attempt to tuck my head even further into my knees, hoping that I could disappear from this cage and escape whatever is waiting outside. However, I don't seem to have much luck as I listen to the cage's gears being turned and moved, slowly opening us to the outside world.

The voices become louder and clear, indicating that the cage is fully open. I begin to feel the hot sun beating down on me, somehow calming and unbearable. However, I can't be focusing on the sun when I realize that there are no voices anymore, just bugs and hot sun.

"Newt! What do you see?" A voice suddenly asks, and I feel a familiar jolt inside the cage. "Girls..." The boy pauses, "...Two of them."

Soft whispering erupts around us, the idea of two girls seeming to spark a lot of questioning among these mysterious voices. But who do these voices belong to? I ask myself, and I know that sooner or later I would have to face them all, so why not get it over with?

I slowly lift my head up, the bright view blocking my vision for a moment. But once my eyes adjust, I realize why the idea of two girls is so shocking to this unknown group.

Towering over the cage is a group of teenage boys, and only teenage boys.
Their appearance explains to me that they had all been through some tough shit, raggedy clothes, messy hair, sweaty bodies, and confused faces.

However, one boy in the cage appears surprisingly calm for his shocking situation. His hair a dirty-blonde with dark-brown eyes, more of a chocolate color actually. He's wearing a white jacket with a brown tank-top underneath, dark brown pants, and brown shoes.

"Hey, we're not going to hurt you alright? My name is Newt and-" the British boy, who I now know as Newt, is suddenly cut off by one of the boys above us.

"What's in the girl's hand?" This boy has very short blonde hair, wearing a brown long-sleeve shirt with grey pants. But what stands out most about this boy is his eyebrows. Newt doesn't turn to his head to acknowledge the other boy, instead he continues to stare at me and only listens to what is being asked, I show my hands to reveal nothing. Looking over to my unconscious sister, she carries a small piece of paper in her hand.

Newt carefully takes the paper from her hand and reads it aloud for everyone to hear, "They are the last ones. Ever." Once again, Newt finds me for answers, but he doesn't seem to realize that I am equally confused. He looks back to the boys above us with an odd expression, "What the bloody hell does that mean?"

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