Guitar Lesson (Slash x Reader)

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This is for my friend, Lizziedoo22. I hope you like it!

You impatiently watched MTV as they were about to announce the winner of a contest you had entered. 

The contest was to win a free guitar lesson with Slash. Slash was your favorite guitarist and your overall dream was to marry Slash. He was just so sweet, funny, talented, and admittedly his looks were really attractive to you.

You held your breath as Slash held a paper ready to announce the winner. "And the winner of a free guitar lesson, with me, Slash from Guns n' Roses is Y/N Y/L/N," he announced. 

You shrieked. "I WON! OH MY WORD!" you screamed. Your family all surrounded around you. Just then, your phone rang. You picked up, "Hello?" you answered.

"Hi, this is Slash. You won that guitar lesson contest, so when are you free to hang out, so I can teach you guitar?" he asked.

"I'm free whenever, Slash. I swear I'll drop everything to hang out with you," you laughed.

"Well, then. How about tomorrow?" Slash offered, "Maybe 10 in the morning, so we have lunch together."

"Yes, yes, yes!" you replied.

~ ~ ~

The next morning you woke up at around 9, so that you had time to your makeup and hair. You put on your Guns n' Roses shirt, and drove over to the studio, which was conveniently near your house.

When you got to the studio, they confirmed your ID and sent you to a little room, where you waited for Slash. 

It didn't take long for Slash to walk in, carrying two guitars and his guitar roadie carrying a bunch of equipment. 

"Hi there!" Slash greeted you, shaking your hand. 

"Oh my gosh, hi," you giggled. 

"How are ya'?" he asked.

"I'm fantastic, how are you?" you replied.

"I'm good," he said, "Now, uh let's get down to business. First, you need to tune the guitar. Now, try to do it by yourself, and I'll tell you how you do."

You tuned the guitar your very best and he smiled when you were finished. 

"A little sharp on the B, but that's pretty fucking good," he smiled.

You and Slash spent the next hour shredding. He try to teach you the solo the Sweet Child o' Mine, not because it's one of the easiest Guns n' Roses solo, but because you simply wanted to learn it. 

Slash was constantly, adjusting your hands on the fret board, which made you feel so in love. 

After about an hour Slash muttered, "Well, Y/N, I'm hungry, do you wanna go to lunch?"

"Yes, where do you wanna go?" you asked.

"I don't know, do you like Wendy's?" he laughed. 

"Yes!!!" you replied, "That's my favorite restaurant."

~ ~ ~

Slash ended up buying you lunch and by the end of lunch, it was clear Slash had a thing for you and you had a thing for him, so he eventually turned to you and asked, "Do you maybe wanna go on a date?"

You giggled, and replied, "Yes, I'd love that."   

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