I Thought You Loved Me (Rachel Bolan x Reader)

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Rachel's POV~

The show that night was great, but the after-party was even better. 

I had met the coolest, most beautiful, and perfect girl ever. Her name was Y/N. 

Most fans would either A.) Walk up to me and start screaming, B.) Started crying or C.) Began making out with me.  Y/N was different, though. She was kind of quiet, but cool. She very calmly walked over and smiled and said, "Hey, I really like your music."

We then got talking about songwriting and how we feel about cringy love ballads. 

I worked up the courage to ask her if she had a significant other. 

"No," she chuckled. 

"Well, I can be your boyfriend," I said.

"I can be your girlfriend," she smiled. 

I invited her back to my hotel room and we took a limo over there. If I'm being honest, it was hard to not just started snuggling and making out with her right in the back of the limo. 

~ ~ ~

When we got to the hotel I sprawled out in bed. 

"Come here and snuggle," I said. 

**fast forward through all the PG-13 content**

"Do you maybe wanna watch a movie?" I asked Y/N.

"Sure, I'm a horror geek," she giggled. 

"Oh my God, why is she so fucking perfect?" I thought to myself. 

I grabbed her and lied her down in bed next to me. It felt so good. It had been so long since I had a stable person who I could genuinely depend on and now that I had Y/N I was not going to let her go. 

I must've been day-dreaming because Y/N turned over, "Rachel, are you okay?" she asked. 

"Yeah, I'm alright, just tired from the show," I laughed. 

"You sure?" she asked, "I'm a good listener. You can talk to me."

"Well, yeah, it's just I really fucking adore you. I know it sounds dumb because it's only been like a few hours of us knowing each other. Being on tour there's a lot of like one night stands and shit, and I just want us to last. You are special," I explained. 

"Rachel, I'm a pretty loyal person and i agree you are so special and I wouldn't trade you for the world," Y/N smield. 

I rested my head on her shoulder. "I love you,, Y/N," I mumbled, my voice with an ugly raspy int to it. 

"Love you too," she smiled. 

~ ~ ~

Y/N's POV:

"Fuck," I thought to myself as I woke up in Rachel's hotel room. 

"What's the matter?" Rachel asked. 

"I'm cramping," I told him. 

"Did you get your period?" Rachel questioned. 

"No, but I probably will in the next few days," I replied. 

"Aw, poor baby," he cooed. 

One thing that stood out to me about Rachel was how soft and gentle he was. You would think being the stereotypical rockstar he would be loud and crazy, but he really wasn't. He was thoughtful and reserved.  

A was being lazy and basically napped all day. 

"Hey, baby. I have an interview, but you can stay asleep," he said.

"I'll see you at the show," I smiled. 

"Love you," we both said at the same time. 

~ ~ ~

My guy friend, Ty, who I'd known since I was five, wanted to see Skid Row, so I invited him to come along. 

He was also helping me out with my cramps and holding a heat pack on my stomach. 

Ty and me had never had a relationship considering that A.) I was never attracted to him and B. He was gay. 

I saw Bas in the hall lurking around, but I doubt he noticed me. 

We walked backstage and Rachel took one look at me and walked out, slamming the door extra loud. 

"I suppose you want to introduce us to your new boyfriend," Sebastian said. 

"He's not my boyfriend, Bas," I screamed. 

"Well, you sure seem to have something going on," Sebastian argued. 

"He's gay, Sebastian," I said, slamming the door and bringing Ty along with me. 

I walked into Rachel's hotel room and he was sprawled out on the bed.

"Get the fuck out," Rachel said. 

"Don't tell me what to do," I replied, "Rachel, for fuck's sake. This is Ty. He's been my friend for as long as I can remember. He's not attracted to me."

"Bull shit," Rachel mumbled, "Why aren't you attracted to Y/N?"

"Because she is not a he," Ty replied. 

"So you're gay?" Rachel asked. 

Ty nodded in reply. 

~ ~ ~

After the show, I curled up in bed. 

"Hey, Y/N," Rachel said. 

"Yeah?" I answered. 

"I'm so fucking sorry I did that to you. Y'know got all mad and overprotective," he replied.

"It's alright," you smiled, as Rachel began kissing you. 

"I love you, Rachel. Don't you ever fucking forget it," you giggled. 

~ ~ ~ 

Ya'll I'm sorry this sucks. I'm super sick and needed to write something, and I know it's not great, but it will have to do. 

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