chapter 2: waterpark, sex

Start from the beginning

"J-Justin...Bieber?" He laughed the sweetest laugh ever "Yeah that's me" I wanted to scream but the only thing that came out was "what the hell are you doing here?" He smiled again (if this boy keeps smiling imma die!) "I uhh, your mom invited me as a surprise." I couldn't love my mom more right now...Justin Bieber! I tried so hard not to scream, I figured since he was up here he'd know where my room is. "uhh, wouldn't happen to know where my room is would you?" he laughed (he's gonna be the death of me!) "yeah, I can show you where it is." Now I laughed, how ironic was it that some boy...Justin Bieber was showing ME where MY room was!

I mean really? How would he know where my room was if I didn't? "o-ok, let's go." We walked side by side not even touching, to the end of the hall. He pushed open the double doors and I almost died. "This is MY room!?" He laughed (did I mention his laugh was heaven?) "yeah this is your room" "IT IS HUGE!!" We both laughed at that, we walked in and looked around, I spotted my Justin Bieber cd's and in my embarrassed haste to hide them tripped both of us. Of course we fell backwards, and again of course we landed on the bed in a very compromising situation...of course my parents just had to walk in right then too!

We immediatley jumped apart ...but it was too late, my parents had caught us in what they assumed was sex but was actually just an innocent klutz attack...they exploded!!! "ADRIAN TAYLOR LAMBERT! YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" I sighed and nodded "I know, but I'd just like to say I tripped and we fell...nothing else happened." Although they still looekd extremley mad they nodded andI just assumed that meant I wasn't in trouble anymore. "So, Mrs. Lambert..Mr. Shelton, we thought if it was ok with you we'd go to the waterpark." I was surprised but quickly hid it smiling I looked over at him slightly out of the corner of my eye. "Well Justin, as long as you can ensure her safe return then yes you may go."

I was again surprised that my parents were so leniant, Vince and Teresa would never have let me go to a waterpark with a boy by myself especially after having caught us on my bed together! Man I love living here! I hugged both my parents and thanked them before grabbing my bikini, a tank top and some longer shorts racing to the bathroom and changing. I grabbed a towel on my way out of my room and found Justin waiting by the door for me. He wrapped an arm around me protectively as we walked out to his car. We got to the waterpark quickly, and ran to the locker room to change.

He was quicker then me of course so he was standing outside my stall when I was finally done, "took you long enough" he said it jokingly I knew so i faked hurt. "Not everyone can be as perfect as you, you know!" He laughed, I melted. We stuffed our things into one locker together and headed out toward the giant slide. We grabbed one mat together and stood at the top I got on and he got on behind me wrapping his arms around me. "hold on tight" He laughed "oh don't worry I will" the lifeguard blew his whistle and we scooted forward quickly and slid all the way down me screaming, him laughing. We reached the bottom and plunged into the water, we stood up both laughing by now.

"come on Justin, let's go to the monkeybars!" he nodded and smiled "Ok Adrian" We walked over to the monkeybars and stood there first we just sat on the edge, he tried to kiss me but I stuck my hand between us. "whoa slow down there, I'm not that easy." he laughed sweetly and nodded then climbed up onto the monkey bars. "Come on Adrian!" I pouted "Justin that water is ice cold what if I slip?" he smiled his sexy smile...and I melted again. "I'll catch you don't worry." I nodded and smiled and jumped up after him I got half way across before a really wet bar made me loose my grip and I dropped into the ice cold water shrieaking.

                                                                                Justin's POV

Adrian had just fallen into the water, I jumped in after her and carried her to the edge sitting with her in my lap while she shivered I noticed her top had come untied, I tried to be polite about it and not look. Eventually she sat up I tried to stop her. "Adrian dont!" she sat up and her top fell almost completley down she shrieked again. "Justin! Why didn't you tell me!?" I smiled I knew she liked it when I smiled. "you were cold, I wanted you to warm up I didn't notice your top was even untied till just a minute ago." she smiled back, "you promise you didn't see anything?" I nodded, "i'm not like that. I wouldn't look unless you allowed me to." She blushed then, I just nodded. "Hey your cold...maybe we should go hang out and warm up in one of the hotel lobbies?" She nodded clearly too cold to care.

We changed and want inside the closest hotel, I decided since I had a room here because the concert hall was close to this hotel that we should go up to my room where she could take a warm shower. "Hey Adrian, I have a room here you could take a warm shower we could eat. Then I'll take you home" She smiled and nodded. "ok Justin let's go" I got up and helped her up, we walked to the elevator and rode it up to the fourth floor, we got out and walked to my room I swiped my key card and let her in first. She smiled walked in and headed straight for the shower.

I called room service as the water started I ordered a large pepperoni pizza and chocolate covered strawberries. She finished in the shower just as room service got here. "Ok, here's your pizza and strawberries...I also brought this" He held out a bottle of respberry wine. I figured I'd just let it sit in the mini fridge so I took it and paid him. "thanks." I brought the cart into the room close to the bed and set everything out. Adrian came out just as I was putting the wine away. "hey leave that out I've never tried it" I nodded and set the wine out with the food. "sure" We sat on the bed and turned on the tv, I took a slice of pizza and handed it to her then got my own. We killed that pizza pretty fast, we had a few strawberries then I opened the wine.

She smiled as I poured some into two flute glasses, we took timid sips but eventually wound up drinking the whole bottle. We were a little more loose around each other now and before I knew it we were both naked under the sheets.

                                                                      Adrian's POV

We were naked on his bed..we started kissing and touching each other all over the place, I felt his erection grow and knew that this would be the night. I laid there and waited until he was sure he was ready. He kissed a trail down from my neck to my bellybutton, then he came up and started kissing me hoping by doing that I wouldn't notice the pain. He entered me slowly,  I gasped in pain but didn't stop him, we moved faster and my hips started moving with his we kissed the whole time while my body started shaking under his as my muscles tightened I knew I wouldn't last much longer but I tried to hold out because I was enjoying this too much.

I felt him grow even bigger inside me and knew neither of us would last much longer I was shaking so hard my muscles contracting together almost painfully as he and I cummed together we fell back onto the bed both exhausted, sweat dripping from both of our bodies. We decided we needed to we got in together. He ran the water while I stood there naked watching him, I laughed then laughed louder. He looked over at me. "What's so funny Adrian?" I smiled whispering "I-I just gave you my "V-card" he laughed then too whispering back "so did I" I smiled, I liked know I was his first...we showered quickly then got out and sat on the bed again.

This time all we did was watch tv, although I soon grew very tired we curled up together both drifting off to sleep I heard him whisper right before I passed out. "Adrian Lambert, I love you...your mine forever" I smiled and stayed smiling all night all I could think about tht next morning though was how much trouble I was going to be in for not coming home the night before.

(A/N Yeah, Adrian and Justin had sex...and boy are her parents going to kill her! This is the first non-Twilight fanfic I've ever done so please be nice! I love you all don't forget about my contest e-mail me  at with your chapters/book cover ideas! Love ya! Love, ~Rosalie332~)

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