chapter 8

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So his name is silver. I have been stalking him for some time now.

He seems to be interested in finding out where I came from and how to get there since his world was destroyed when this guy named iblis took over.

Its been hard on him for the past seven years.Apparently, he lost his love 'a girl named Blaze' when she was sent to another dimension.

Why is there so much pain in the world!?

We have both lost so much.

And worst of all there is nothing we can do to stop this.

But we can help each other I realized.

I came out of my hiding and scared silver half to death.I immediately hugged him.He freaked out but quickly hugged back.

"I-i heard it all. I'm so sorry."I murmured.

"It's okay. I'm fine." He whispered.

Silver got up after a while.

I was so tired after crying with him.

He was to.

He also had a chaos emerald.

He gave it to me. Don't ask me why. I don't know.

Shadow broke my heart. Sonic tried to kill me. And no one loves me.

Do you know how that feels. To be rejected and hurt by ones you love.

'Cause I do.

And I don't know what to do next.

I'm on my last string.

I just hope it doesn't break the way I broke.

Silver carried me to a small room and set me down on the bed.

He grabbed a blanket and tucked me in.

No one had done that to me before.

I liked it.

I liked him...

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