Chapter 1

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I have to get away!
He's coming back to get me!
"Why Tails, why?!" I screamed.
"We were friends once, you don't have to do this!"
"Oh yes, but I do!" He yelled after me.
Why was he acting like this!?
It's not right. SHIT!
I'm cornered! "Tails, please just stop! I don't want to hurt you!"
I pulled out my hammer and got ready to swing.
I may not have wanted to but I will protect myself.
"What are you going to do with that. Hit a nail."
He bust into a fit of laughter.
I can so show him what I can do with this hammer!
He comes at me at full force almost as fast as sonic!
I swing my hammer as hard as I can and hit him where it hurts.
I hit him in the head so hard he is knocked out for extra damage.
"Dame, you can swing!" I turn around and see sally.
"You scared me! Don't do that to me ever again!"I yell.
" Sorry, I just needed to get out and stretch my legs."she told me.
"WAIT! Where's cream!" I yell!
"I thought she was with you! If she's not here than she must be..."
Sally shrieked! "AT HOME!" We yelled in union.
We rushed home as fast as we could. It wasn't very fast but we got there just in time to see our cream turn purple.
Literally. Her eyes turned black and her pupils bright dark red.
The once dark now purple and red left ear flopped to the front of her face.
Cheese was gone and in his place was a bloody chao doll. She looked up and smiled.
"Your here! Lets pLaY A GaMe!"
She spun around then faced us with a wide smile across her face.
She disappeared then reappeared away from us.
If only I had thought for a second.
Cream wold be next to me smiling and playing tea party and pretend.
But no. I was stuck in this fucking world.
With this fucking life. Great.
I got out my hammer but before I could swing someone appeared in front of me.
I gasped.

Sorry. I don't have time to write much.
(Cliff hanger) it's really not if you know anything about the sonic franchise.
So, how did I do?
Plz comment and vote.
I make the art for you to.
I'm like, the only one who does that.
Well bye.
And drink lots of FUCKING water! Fallouf!

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