Chapter 3

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I was almost home.
The only one to survive wants to die.
(Is anyone actually reading this?!)
(I swear to god someone better be reading this!)
But I can't because if I did no one would save our world.
Suddenly I saw a Green light.
I looked over and saw a portal open up.
Without hesitation I ran into the portal.
It felt warm and I closed my eyes.
It felt so warm and I also felt... Love!
I I didn't know what to do so I got out my hammer.
(Sorry, this is garbage. This is my first story.)
When I opened my eyes I see a city.
But this city is different.
There were these creatures.
They looked a little like Eggman but less fat.
You know, Eggface never said where he was from.
But if this is where he's from What should I do now.
I can't go back.
If I did Sonic would kill me.
It's not his fault.
When Tails was alive he said that a demon was controlling Sonic.
(So, I have too address this now.
Should I keep the violence and cussing or should I ditch that?)
Some machines came up.
They read 'Police' in blue letters.
I'm not stupid.
I know what police are.
It's just I haven't seen them in a long time.
And... SHADOW!
Why was he here.
Somehow he didn't seem to notice me.
It looked like he had one of those mind control things Eggman made on him.
Then he did notice me.
He ran up and stood in awe.
"A-amy, is that you?
I can't see color with this on."
Of course I replied.
"Shadow what's going on?
Why are you wearing that?
Why did you stutter?
Where are we?
Who are they?"
I kept bombarding him with questions.
Until he hugged me.
"S-shadow, are you ok?!"
"No, I have been here for so long.
It hurts!
To be judged by humans."
He stuttered out before I could get a word out of me.
"Sh-shadow there all gone.
All of them.
They wer..."
Shadow yelled and made me flinch.
"But they, they were fine when, when I left."
"I'm so sorry. "

Am so sorry
Don't have time
Need help!
Thanks for the tip.

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