Part 8

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To Marry a Vigilante: Part 8


About that... It turned out he was very wrong.

It was already past eight when the couple was awoken by the sound of an army trumpet. Immediately, both of them jumped up and took a battle stance, only to see Tim rolling on the floor laughing. Behind him, Jason was snickering and Cass had a bright smile on her face. Damian grabbed the closest item, which happened to be Marinette's pocket mirror and tossed it at the group.

Tim and Jason ducked and Cass simply grabbed the mirror from the air, smirked, and checked herself over to make sure her face was still flawless.

"Tt. Did anyone invite you to this room?"

"Technically, Demon Spawn, only the replacement is inside." Red Hood sassed him.

"Where did Drake even get an army trumpet?" Marinette didn't even realize that she was channeling Damian. His brothers did though and started laughing even harder.

"Internet," Cass explained before covering her mouth to stifle a giggle.

"Tt. It's good to see you enjoying yourself, but kindly get the hell away from here." Damian scoffed.

"Suuureee. I'm not leaving you alone..." Jason was about to reach for his wallet when a small, sharp object flew right past his head. A Batarang embedded itself into the wall.

"I explained it to you in the past Todd. I will draw blood if I need to when it comes to defending my wife's honor."

"Calm down, Demon Spawn." The older brother dismissed him, but his hand was no longer close to his wallet. "We came to spare you the embarrassment of being found like that by Mrs. Cheng."

Until now, Marinette was too focused on the prank to realize what exactly happened and turned beet red. She meeped and jumped under the covers, red. Damian sent a glare at his brothers (and sister) and rushed at them with his fist. They all quickly scrambled and he closed the doors.

"Tt. Pests." He scoffed and turned to his beloved, who peaked from under the covers.

"They will never let us live it down..." She complained.

"We can always drop them off on some empty island when they're asleep," he offered with a hopeful look.

"But... won't they wake up too soon?"

"The knock-out gas has more than one use, Angel." He grinned.

"So... you want to start a prank war?" She asked with a slight smirk, embarrassment forgotten.

"No. I want to leave them on some empty island."


"Tt. Fine. Prank War. But you're no fun."

Damian left to let Marinette get changed and put on some new clothes himself. They soon met near the stairs and went to dinner.

Since today both Tim and Jason decided to come by, it was louder. The young couple had to suffer enough teasing to last them a lifetime. Damian promised horrible vengeance to both his brothers.

"Can I have your katana? I mean now that you're settling down you won't need it, right? Maybe for cutting the vegetables. Will you be the househusband?" Jason was slowly approaching the peak of what Damian could take. Right now only the fact that Marinette was holding his hand under the table and that they weren't saying anything inappropriate yet stopped him from drawing blood.

"Ehm." Bruce tried to interrupt the discussion and touch the matter that was actually important.

"Oh! Oh! I want the grappling hook! Mine never works that well!"

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