Part 4

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To Marry a Vigilante: Part 4


The next day, Marinette woke up in her bed, still dressed. By the time her father brought her into her room, she was already asleep. The emotions finally caught up with her somewhere along the way. Remembering the end of the evening, her eyes immediately latched onto her finger, but the ring was not there. A mere second before a panic attack, she looked at the bedside table, where both the box and the ring rested. She let out a breath. She didn't lose it.

"Morning cupcake," a voice startled her. "Are you okay?" Her father was looking through the repealed doors.

"Yeah... Did yesterday really happen?"

"We are still at Wayne Manor and I seem to remember to have put the ring on the night table."

"I can't believe he actually proposed!" Marinette jumped off the bed and started to pace around with a dreamy look on her face. "I mean I know we are married, but it was still so romantic! And in front of so many people! Oh, Papa! I'm so happy!" She fell back onto her bed.

"I'm glad you're happy, cupcake. Remember that your Maman and I will always be here for you." His smile took a sadder shade. "I know you're almost a grown-up with a job and all, but to us you will always be the same little girl that I used to fit in the palm of my hand."

"Don't worry Papa. I won't forget you and Maman."

"Good. Now let's go open the presents! Race you!" He ran out of her room and toward the big tree in the hall. Mari giggled at her father's antics before following him; the ring shining on her finger.

In the back, Tikki floated with a big smile on her face. Her chosen finally had a chance for some happiness. If only that ruddy alley cat did not run away with the miraculous. She could still feel Nooroo and Duusu active. She could wait one more day before telling Marinette though. The girl deserved a peaceful Christmas.


By the time Marinette arrived by the tree, most of the people were already gathered. Dick was seated in a large armchair next to a pile of gifts. He was dressed in a full Santa Claus outfit, complete with a fake beard. The only reason she recognized him was because of his voice.

"Now that everyone's here, who wants..." He started, but someone interrupted.

"Before that, I need to apologize." Johnathan Kent turned toward Marinette. "Yesterday, after you left, I made some unsavory accusations about you, for which I want to deeply apologize." Just for a second, his eyes jumped toward Sabine. The girl noted that her mother was glaring at the older man. "I'm a simple man and this... secret world you all live in is strange for me. Please, accept my sincere apology."

"Oh... No problem Mr. Kent. To be honest I'm still getting used to it all myself." She smiled at him. Marinette was not that oblivious not to guess what kind of accusations the older man had made.

"With that out of the way, I think we can get started. Maybe let's begin with the youngest?" Dick said, trying to imitate how the real Santa Claus would sound. Marinette would admit that he was close.

"Me! Me!" Mar'i started floating in the air until Jon pulled her gently to the ground. He really got into the 'older brother' role.

"Yes, you, sweetheart."

Mar'i received several gifts from the pile. Marinette was surprised to see one from her family. Inside were several baked goods from their bakery. She didn't remember her parents packing any, but maybe they made them here.

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