First Day in the dungeon. Meeting the sword princess.

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Hestia: "Well Y/N, welcome to the familia."

Your P.O.V.

Goddess Hestia wanted to grant me a falna which she said would allow me to fight monsters, but ultimately decided to check my stats first, so now she is sitting on my bare back ready to check my stats. I find the whole thing about the falna so damn funny, especially since I'm a saiyan. Like, my entire race was made for battle, so I find it funny and insulting if someone wants to give me something to supposedly help me fight, unless it's something like a senzu bean.

While all these thinking about all this, I heard goddess Hestia scream.

Y/N: "Something wrong goddess Hestia?"

Hestia: "These stats, t-they're- this is impossible!"

She got off my back and I sat up, she held a paper which I presume was where my stats.

Y/N: "Can I look at my stats?"

Son Y/N
STR: SSS 1198

END: ?????

DEX: ?????

AGI: SS 1090

MAG: I 0

SKILL: Zenkai Boost, Mimic

She looked a bit reluctant to give the paper to me, but she did anyway. I looked at my stats, since I hold back so much power, it only shows the power I'm letting off. Wait why are both my endurance and dexterity only question marks? Is it too much to measure? What are these letters in front of the numbers even there for? Do they represent the ranks of my power or something? Hey, Zenkai Boost does count as a skill here, so does Mimic! Wow author, you are very creative.

(Zuki: Thank you! It's nice to finally get some appreciation, and not insults, from you.)

Too bad you're such an idiot though...

(Zuki: Hey, I'll have you know I am very smart, I put all my creativity into your goddamned existence, and this is how you repay me, by insulting my intelligence, if it weren't for the readers who actually care about you, you'd be long gone by now.)

Or maybe you just love me.

(Zuki: Ha! You wish. Also quit breaking the fourth wall, I'm ordering a new supply of flex tape and the fourth wall's had enough punishment.

Dude, if you were as smart as you say, you'd know the smart thing to do would be to take down the whole damn thing, then you would lose any more flex tape and money. Or just get a door, then the wall won't have to suffer.

*The fourth wall screams in agony, before crumbling into dust. The fifth wall, sixth wall, seventh wall and eighth wall, all cry at the loss of their comrade and friend.*

(Zuki: Look what you've done! That was my favorite fourth wall, now you've destroyed it, I'm gonna need some flex cement.)

*The author storms off to make some calls to the company that produces flex tape.*

I made my creator angry, I hope he doesn't erase me. Hey that rhymed! So uhh walls sorry for killing your friend.

*A giant crack appears in the center of the fifth wall, and it screams like a man tied to a chair being forced to watch Boku no Pico*

Oh crapbaskets, see, told ya you shoulda gotten a door, then these guys won't be breaking.

*The fifth and sixth walls crumble into dust as well. But before the sixth crumbles, it says "Heh, so you say that too? Well, guess it's my time to die."*

The saiyan warrior of orario (Danmachi x op saiyan reader) (RE-WRITE)Where stories live. Discover now