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A/N: Obviously their manner of speaking is somewhat modernized for easier reading. I don't think you guys want a bunch of thys, thous, and such in your fanfics lmao.

You and Eleanor had your heads poking out from the carriage window, ungracefully observing the landscape after a guard knocked to let you know your destination was near.

The castle that loomed before you was not just a castle. No, this was a palace. The sheer magnitude of presence this massive pile of stone gave off was intimidating. You could quite easily fit twenty of The Dukedom of Never's keep across the land this spanned across, and Never's was vast.

The land that surrounded it was magnificent on its own. Behind the castle was one of the grand seas, with a harbor large enough to contain the Royal Navy - a massive force that was rumored to be over a hundred ships and growing. In another direction was a large forest, one that according to Jungkook was teeming with wildlife and supposedly an evil witch. The fields surrounding the village seemed lush and plentiful and the people they passed appeared healthy and content. You were impressed by the obvious care that was put into the lands by the King.

Jungkook was riding alongside the carriage on his massive black charger, staring at the palace with as much awe as you.

"Do you think it takes him an entire hour to find a garderobe? Or did he just give up after a while and uses a chamber pot every time?" He asks thoughtfully, grinning down at you from atop his horse.

"Why is that your first thought?" You ask with a roll of your eyes.

"It's a serious concern, sis! Say you just ate some pickled eel that doesn't agree with your stomach. And the only room they have for such things is in the tallest tower on the other side of the palace..."

You snort, shaking your head at him. "I'm certain in a castle this vast there will be more than one garderobe, Sir Jungkook. I dare say there are perhaps several for every floor and wing. And no doubt the king has one all to himself near his chambers."

He cocks his head thoughtfully, nodding after a few seconds. "True."

A trio of guards stops your carriage right at the entrance to the long stone bridge leading to the palace grounds. Jungkook presents them with their scrolls of passage and the guard nods after looking over the seals.

"All clear, Sir. I'll send word to His Majesty that you've arrived."

Jungkook nods briskly at the guard and turns to the both of you with a wink. It was time to begin your charade.

The two of you bring your heads back inside the carriage in preparation for a more refined entrance once the carriage starts up again, the wheels clicking loudly across the stone leading to the inner bailey. It wouldn't do to have the servant's first impression of you to be gawking in wonder like the poor maid you actually were.

And that's who you knew you would have the most difficulty trying to fool. The nobility had their head too far up their own arse most of the time and you weren't as worried about trying to pass off your ruse on them. But the servants saw and knew all. Even with you dripping in jewels and rich fabrics you were worried one of them could tell at a glance you were no better than them.

You slide your hand across your gown nervously, picking at the costly fabric. You and Eleanor had spent most of your journey here adjusting each other's gowns to fit. She was now clad in the finest one that you owned, a simple woolen dress in a blue that nearly matched her eyes, with a brown apron and cape. You were amused by how lovely she looked in such a simple garment as she sat across from you bouncing with excitement like a carefree dairymaid.

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