•1• A Mothers Mourning

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Hopefully in the prologue I made it clear that Flowey won't be around as much as he is with UF!Frisk, thought it would be better this way but let me know!
Enjoy :)


Stories of these creatures made them out to be brutes, destroyers filled by greed. But this world under the humans ground they walked on almost seemed sad.
The monster who offered to protect (Y/n) was nothing like what was shown in drawings from history books the humans had. She seemed a little anxious but not violent.
Her face shown a calm expression, despite dark circles under her eyes and a soft whine in her voice, Toriel, was a lovely monster.

She lead the human through The Ruins and spoke about how dangerous of a place it is and that they should be carful. Puzzles seemed to be apart of Monster history or at least here. The first corridors were manageable with the monsters help, although a few broken switches blocked some paths, Toriel got through them. She told them to speak to the monsters they encounter instead of fighting, although some monsters may seem more ruthless than others. This made the human hopeful, monsters were not as bad as they seemed.

However, being invited into her home that looked a little unkept started to make them feel uneasy. Toriel was kind but every once in a while broke out into a teeth baring creature. She grew frustrated easily and seemed paranoid. When speaking about the other monsters she held a heavy weight that was viable to the eye that she could only be trusted. Toriel made it clear that she would give the human whatever they wished and needed as long as they stayed by her side.

(Y/n) was still weary at seeing this monsters two sides, but they also wished to console her and asure her they would be safe. They brought up the courage to ask how to leave the ruins and eventually the underground. Toriel's face dropped to a wide eyed stare into nothing. Her pupils danced and she stood up without saying a word. The human followed behind her.

Now here they stand.

In front of the door that exits the ruins and the monster who blocked it.

"I am going to destroy it. No one will ever be able to leave again, now be a good child and go upstairs."

*Toriel blocks the way

Fire fueled by the magic she possessed surrounded both of them, creating a barrier that flared with her emotions. Her body shakes with the words she desperately tried to tell the human "Prove to me you have a better chance of surviving out there than the others." She scoffed. (Y/n) tried to reason with her, but as fire continued to burn up the walls they grew scared, Toriel also seemed  close to snapping "You believe you can convince THEM to spare your life? The only way you'll live out there is if you take theirs!" Her hands jerked with her angry words. This monster did not want the human to die, or any others, but desperation caused her to lash out.
(Y/n) is able to dodge but not all of her attacks, the human cries out "It doesn't have to be that way!" They wanted to believe monsters were not terrible creatures, just misunderstood.
The boss monster before her frustratingly tries to convince them again "My child it has always been as such." She raises her hands again for the fire to follow her.

Attack after attack the humans words begin to phase her. Her angry desperate pleas change into stumbled confused words, she starts to doubt herself. This monster has indeed been hurt, even she is giving up. Again for one of the humans last calls, they try and reason with her "Toriel please! I believe monsters can change, or at least be shown that they have that ability." She listens to the human carefully for the first time in the whole battle "You said you want to protect me but I'm letting you know I'll be able to protect myself." In Toriel's eyes she starts to feel them get heavy with tears, her flames shakily get lower to the ground. "I-I.."

(Y/n) steps closer to her smiling "I'll try my best, no one will get hurt, I promise."

Toriel starts to cry "...A-Am I really that pathetic?" She says to herself, taking the human by surprise. She continues as tears fall to the floor, turning into mist at its heat "Is this place really that awful? That I cannot convince a single child..To stay?" She looks up, her flames are almost harmless "ha...ha... I guess I'm just not a good mother."

*Toriel spares you

The human looks at her with sympathy but doesn't interrupt "I see, It is inevitable at this point. You would just be unhappy trapped down here. The Ruins are very small once you get used to them. It would be terrible to force you to stay here...My doubt...My loneliness...My fear...My lost self...
For you my child, I Will put them aside."
She wipes the tears from her eyes and the room is silent again. (Y/n) takes a few steps closer and tries to comfort the sad monster "Your not a bad mother at all, it's not your fault.."
"I appreciate it my child, but if you wish to leave The Ruins please do not come back..."
She said, her voice almost breaking.

(Y/n) almost teared up themself, they ran up to her and brought her into a tight hug. She was speechless at first and almost didn't register the gesture, but she smiled and returned the hug. Toriel squeezed them and wished it would never end, she felt they were protected and she, content. Her thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind. (Y/n) gave her last words of comfort "I'll miss you mom, please don't worry."

The monster felt a tug at her heart, but she knew she just had to leave.

With a light nod she walked away from the exit, leaving it unscathed.

The monster took one more glace over her shoulder before she walked back to the stairs.

(Y/n) took a deep breath in and took in the sight of The Ruins exit door.

They smiled knowing they now left a monster in good heart, or at least in better thoughts.

*You leave The Ruins

Word count: 1084
I feel bad for making the Toriel chapter a bit choppy, I wanted to make it longer to make a bond but it's hard when there's not much on Uf Toriel.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed and make sure to tell me if you want more!

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