She sighed, "The ANBU captain position that was handed to you, don't get me wrong, is great Mai. However, I think that you're assuming you have to take that job, when in fact you don't."

In a sense, she's right. I was excited when I was offered the captain spot, but a part of me felt like I had no choice but to accept.

"I guess I didn't want to disappoint Lady Tsunade and Kakashi Sensei." I confessed, lowering my head.

Ino then brought her right hand up to my cheek, squeezing it softly. "Oh, Mai. They would never be disappointed in you for choosing what your heart wants."

What my.. heart wants?

"But, I already accepted the position." I reminded.

"You think that matters? It doesn't, Mai. You are one of the most talented and strong ninja I know. You can do anything that you want."

"What are you implying?!" I snapped, only because of the many mixed emotions that were currently flowing through me.

I quickly sent her a guilt ridden look, "I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean to lash out on you."

Ino's thumb gently stroked my cheekbone as she replied, "You desire to journey with Sasuke, isn't that right?"

There's no denying that, of course all I want is to go and be with Sasuke.


She smiled. "Then, what's stopping you from catching up to him right now? We've just established that you don't have to take the captain position, and that you instead want to be with Sasuke during his travels. So, I ask again, what's stopping you?"

That's when realization hit me all at once. All of these long tortures years of Sasuke and I not being able to be together due to many obstacles, all these years of hurt and pain.. can finally seis to exist.

Because it's up to me. Ino's words put it all on the table for me- and I don't want to become an ANBU captain, as much as I appreciated the offer, that's not something I'm interested in doing anymore.

What I want, what I've been desperately yearning for since I was twelve, is to be happy with Sasuke Uchiha.

Because he and I are home to each other. Because we have an unbreakable bond through our similar pain that we have endured.

Because I care about him more than anything.

I have to be with him! I have to catch up with him and explain everything to him! My feelings for him, why I decided to join him, everything!

This is what I want.

"Ino, thank you! You're right, I have to go find him before he journeys too far!" I yelled, her proudly smiling in response.

Suddenly, a pang of guilt washed over me as it dawned on me that I would be leaving my friends behind again. I don't want to hurt them any more.

Like Ino could hear my thoughts, she chimed in, "You will be back! Don't feel bad about this, Mai. Because this is what you deserve. Happiness with the guy you care about."

Tears brimmed my eyes, a part of me hurting from being split from my best friend. But, she was correct. Sasuke and I will return to the village after he is satisfied with his journey.

I leaned into her arms, embracing her into a tight bear hug. "Ino, you really are the greatest friend I've ever had."

After releasing me, the rest of my friends joined us outside. They seemed confused, but there was still smiles on everyone's faces.

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