February 18th, 11:06 PM

Start from the beginning

They settled back as Dumbledore and his deluminator came into view on the Milton’s freaking huge TV screen.  


 Cas’s family came from wherever the hell they were- Dean never asked Cas where they had gone when he had invited him over- at 1, just as the first movie was about to end. Anna shuffled through the front door followed by her parents, yawning and already drifting off as she walked up the stairs to her room, barely noticing her brother and Dean. Mrs. Milton smiled sleepily when she saw the boys on the couch; Dean wasn’t paying attention to the movie and he was staring up at the ceiling, thinking about nothing in particular, while Cas was awake but tired, and laying down. His trench coat serving as a pillow, Cas’s whole body was sprawled on the couch while his calves were thrown over Dean’s lap.The mechanic had no idea at what point his soulmate had gotten himself into that position, but couldn’t really find it in himself to care.

 Boys, it’s 1 AM,” Cas’s mom paused as a huge yawn rippled out of her. Dean turned his head to the side to look at her and watched Mr. Milton behind her wave at him and walk towards his bedroom. Dean waved back absentmindedly. “You should’ve gone to bed.”

Cas sighed, rubbing his eyes and looking at his watch. He stood up and stretched, yawning, and his shirt rode up just a sliver, just enough for Dean to stare at it until he realized what he was doing and look down in embarrassment. 

I hope Mrs. Milton didn’t see that.

He turned his head to check, relaxing when he saw she was fixated on taking her earrings off, not paying attention to them at all.

“Dean, darling, it’s too late for you to go home. Stay the night.”

 He hesitated, looking up at Cas, who shrugged in a do whatever you want to do type of way. It was Saturday; Sam had a date with Jess and knew he was with Cas so he wouldn't worry if Dean wasn’t in bed the next morning, it was Saturday so he nor his soulmate were in an a hurry to wake up, and he really didn’t feel like driving back at this time when he was tired anyway. 

He accepted the offer with a gracious smile and a thank you. 

After all, there was no problem with him if he stayed.


 Dean was very very wrong when he thought that there was no problem if he stayed. 

The problem was Cas. 

The guest bedroom, he was told by Mrs. Milton, hadn’t been used for years and was practically made of dust and bugs. It was a very dirty room and no one ever cleaned it, so he was told he was going to have to share a bed with Cas. 

He thought that that wasn’t a problem at first (they had fallen asleep on that same bed the night he had came in his window and apologized), but as he lay next his soulmate on the bed, he realized that that Queen sized bed wasn’t big enough for the both of them when they were trying to sleep. 

It was very different than before, because back then they had both fallen asleep as an accident really, neither of them had planned it. But now, the soul mates lay there awake, attempting to go to sleep while they both did things that apparently irritated the other to no end. They were both very stubborn men, and frankly, that didn't really help in the situation. 

Their experience didn’t go too smoothly, to say that least. 

“Stop elbowing me in the freaking ribs!”

“Well quit breathing so loud, Dean!”

“Jesus Christ” Dean grumbled, rolling onto his stomach, positioning his mouth right near Cas’s ear and breathing into it heavily to infuriate his soulmate more. The Milton smacked the mechanic’s tailbone with his palm, groaning and turning so his back faced his boyfriend. 

There was silence for a while as the two boys tried to get comfortable. Half of Dean’s body dangled over the edge, and he huffed, freezing, and reached for the blankets, only to find out they weren’t there. A quick glance behind him revealed Castiel the burrito, and he groaned. 

“Cas, you stole all the blankets!”

“Deal with it, loser.”

Dean would’ve laughed at his usually calm and formal speaking soulmate snapping those words at him, but he was cold and tired and cranky.

“Don’t be a little shit, it’s the middle of February and I’m freezing.”

Cas didn’t move for a moment and Dean was this close to yanking them off the 19 year old, when he felt a weight and warmth on his body, and realized that Cas had rolled over and sprawled on him. 

“Better?” was the smug retort.

The Milton got a kick in the butt in reply, and he grumbled, rolling off Dean.  

“Shut up and gimme the blankets back.”

Cas dramatically threw half the blankets back on Dean, bumping hips doing so, and there was silence once more. 

“Dean stop poking me!”

“I’m not poking you.”

“Your toe is.”

This went on for quite a while. 


Despite all the fuss, Dean had the best sleep he had had in…forever. He woke up with his arm dangling over the side, and his leg resting on top of his soul mate’s. Cas was still asleep, his face frowning and mouth half open. 

The aroma of pancakes wafted in, and Dean sniffed appreciatively. He had never woken up on a Sunday morning to find breakfast waiting for him. Cas didn't know how lucky he was. The sun shined in through the window blinds, and he could hear Shiba meow loudly in Anna’s room right next door. The Sunday morning was like the stereotypical apple pie suburban family Sunday morning, and he loved it. 

Yawning, the Winchester sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, withdrawing his leg in the process and accidentally kicking the 19 year old in the process. Cas jerked awake with a snort. 

Dean yawned once more and smiled sleepily at Cas’s grumpy face.


Cas groaned, his hair sticking up ten times more than usual, and turned to look at the time. It was 9:30, and Dean grinned at his boyfriend, taking his hand. 

“Good morning, Cas.”

The reaction was a little different than he expected. Cas huffed, taking back his hand. 

"No.” was his only reply, and he pushed Dean off the bed. The mechanic landed on the floor with a thud. 

 Dean found himself wondering what the hell they were going to do when they had to share a bed every night. 

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