sexuality headcanons but there's more

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• so these are sexuality headcanons like i did last time BUT we're going more in depth🤠 what does that mean? idk im making most of these up as i go

• demisexual as fuck. she wants all of the trust. all of it. she's been through a lot 😭 i'll only ship her with duncan & heather because i feel like her connections with them are different ykkk ? obviously she has a special connection with duncan , & i feel like her and heather have like an "i don't like you that much but ik i can depend on you & talk to you" type thing.

• i'm gonna call this man an unlabeled icon l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶  but anyways yeah. people would ask him what his sexuality is & he'd simply respond with "who cares" or "i dunno, why?" i ship him with courtney, alejandro & a lil bit of heather. he's definitely the type of person just to look at them & be like "you're hot, let's vibe." and he practically has so 😭

• she's demi too for sure. she definitely  realized it at a young age too. definitely one of the reasons why she pushed alejandro away so much in world tour (but mainly because of the money lmao). i ship her with alejandro, courtney & a lil bit of duncan. with them it's like "i dislike you a lot but i trust you".

• bi baby. took him a minute to realize it but when he did ,, he was just like "oh lmao" cuz he's been pulling guys & girls anyways 😭 but yeah. he just flirts with everyone without trying, & he loves seeing people's reaction to it cuz it makes him feel special yk? but anywayyss ,, i ship him with heather, duncan & a lil bit of tyler. like i said ,, he'd just wanna make them feel loved ykkk ??

• been bi. she doesn't make a big deal out of it either. her first crush was probably a girl. told trent & he was super accepting ,, as he should be. i ship her with trent, geoff, and a lil bit of zoey. she def had a small crush on zoey idc what y'all say. she def has a "i hated my life but you made me hate it a lot less" vibe with all of them.

• pan with a mfn plan !! he's vibinggg. for a while, he wasn't sure where he fit in terms of sexuality but when he found out about pansexuality he was like "oh word?? i think that's me lmao". i ship him with bridgette, gwen & a lil bit of brody. they all totally love being around him, & he's brought out the best in them 😌.

• confused as a mf. is he worried about it? not too much. but every few days he's like "do i have a crush on this dude or do i just think he's good looking?" he's def taken quizzes and gone to gwen for advice. but i ship him with gwen & justin. they've got that "you're so cute & hilarious and it's driving me crazy so please like me back" vibe.

• y'all know damn well he's gay. & he knew for a long time too, it just took him a long time to come to terms with it. i feel like his parents wouldn't accept him so he'd have to constantly think "how the hell am i gonna live like this" but he eventually came out & doesn't regret it at all. i only ship him with cody lmao. they've just been one of my otps for so long shshjsjs

• bi sweetheart. his parents aren't around that much and so he's like "i guess i can honestly skip the coming out part with them" & so he's been pretty comfortable with himself. he just gets mad when he has a crush on a girl & a guy at the same time lmfao (gwen & noah). but yeah ,, i only ship him with noah because ... yeah.

so that's it lol. i'll do more if y'all want but comment your opinions !! byeeee

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