The New, New Republic

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WARNING - SMUT, also feels. But good ones I promise.


You raised your saber above your head blocking the fierce blow coming down on you as you knelt on one knee. The electric sound of two saber blades clashing rang in your ears. Pushing yourself to your feet you sent your opponents saber flying across the floor and out of their hand.

A loud sigh filled the room as the saber on the floor turned off with a hum. "Come on Master, you always make it seem like I have the upper hand then right at the last moment you beat me everytime."

You walked over to the saber with a small smile on your mouth bending to pick it up before handing it back to the young girl in front of you. "That's because I'm trying to teach you a lesson in overconfidence my young Padawan."

Sola Thif was a foundling Rey had brought back from a trip to Tatooine over two years ago. She was just a child then maybe 10 years old, she had cowered behind Rey clutching her robes as she walked about the academy for weeks after she arrived. You'd been sure the girl would end up as Skywalker's Padawan.

But here she was just about 13 now, she'd grown taller in the last 6 months hitting quite the impressive growth spurt. But she was still a bit lanky and awkward, she was also in desperate need of a haircut you noticed, as she collected the training gear and put it in its proper place. She had the blondest hair you'd ever seen, but it was getting long and frizzy, not conducive for sparring and she never let you braid it. Sitting still wasn't exactly one of Sola's skills. She reminded you a lot of yourself at that age.

"Alright Thif, when you're done here I want you to meditate for at least an hour today." You shot her a stern glance and you could see her shoulders sagging with disappointment already.

"An hour?" She whined at you giving you a look that was pleading for you to take mercy on her.

"You need to work on your focus. Trust me Padawan you'll thank me for this one day." You could hear her groaning in protest as she continued to clean up the training room but you weren't going to stick around and let her con you into letting her off. Rey always said you were too soft on her sometimes and you could admit to that.

You strode through the doors of the main training hall and headed outside to stand on the steps of the temple. Titling your head back to bask in the sun shining down on you. It had taken almost a year to rebuild Luke's Jedi Praxeum. Ben had worked extra long days, to make up for the guilt of destroying it in the first place you presumed, which is the only reason it was finished that quickly.

Finn and Poe had brought you supplies periodically but they were busy trying to wrangle the galaxy back together after the First Order had split it apart. With the loss of the Hosnian system rebuilding the Republic and Galactic Democracy was a feat easier said than done.

Thankfully Armitage was there to help them out, he was surprisingly knowledgeable about the ins and outs of setting up a new Senate and he was their most valuable asset when it came to negotiating with planet leaders.

It meant he was gone for weeks at a time though and it made you miss him terribly. But today he was coming home for a whole month and you were practically bouncing with excitement. You skipped down the stairs and strode quickly past the Padawan's huts. They were placed at the base of the temple stairs, something Rey had decided on. She said it might help them not be late for morning meditation. Although in reality there was always a handful that were anyway.

The Alternative (Hux x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora