The Girl

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Hux strode into the room that held the hologram of Supreme Leader Snoke. Kylo was already there discussing something. Oh the scavenger and the droid.

"Ren believed it was no longer valuable." Hux strode confidently up to where Ren was standing arms resting behind his back. "That the girl was all we needed."

He didn't look at Ren instead staring at the massive hologram of the Supreme Leader. "As a result, the droid has most likely been returned to the hands of the enemy."

The rage and annoyance radiated off of Kylo in thick waves but Hux didn't care he felt confidently that the Supreme Leader would finally see Kylo Ren's incompetence. "They may have the map already." He continued watching Snoke shift slightly before speaking decisively. "Then the Resistance must be destroyed before they get to Skywalker."

Hux could hear the frustration in the Supreme Leaders voice as he glared down at the two men. Hologram or not it was still slightly intimidating to stand in front of him like this. "We have their location." Hux replied calmly still not bothering to acknowledge Ren who was getting visibly agitated at this point. "We tracked their reconnaissance ship to the Ileenium system."

"Good. Then we will crush them once and for all." Snoke looked pleased which made Hux as close to giddy as the man was capable of. Internally of course, his face continued to rest in it's regular imperceptible mask. "Prepare the weapon." The Supreme Leader ordered Hux at the point his focus was completely on the General.

Desperately Ren spoke up "Supreme Leader, I can get the map from the girl." He was practically begging. "I just need your guidance."

The Supreme Leader leaned forward in his chair and Hux turned to leave calmly walking back towards the door but what Snoke said next made him pause. "If what you say about the girl is true. Bring her to me."

Hux turned looking at Ren calmly. "You told the Supreme Leader about the force sensitive stowaway?"

Kylo had clearly not expected Hux's reply. Shock was visible on the dark haired mans face, Snoke turned towards Hux again looking visibly confused.

"What stowaway? You captured a second force user and neglected to tell me Ren?" The words came out harsh and accusing.

Kylo turned slowly towards the hologram internally cursing Hux, who was confidently striding back to where he'd been standing before right next to Ren.

"She's nothing, a pathetic Resistance fighter. Her skill in the force isn't worth training. She's too wild." The knight responded gritting his teeth as he looked at Snoke.

"That's not for you to decide Ren. Did you even test the limits of her power? She get's stronger everyday, she even managed to penetrate my thoughts mere days ago." Hux said without looking at Kylo.

Snoke leaned back in his chair. "You've been testing her? Good I'm impressed with your forethought Hux." He nodded looking to be lost in thought.

"I believe if she can be trained and turned to the side of the First Order she could be a valuable asset in the fight against the Resistance." Hux replied calmly, inside he was grinning ear to ear, this victory over Ren was the sweetest yet. He knew the Supreme Leader was greatly disappointed in Kylo and that would eat the arrogant fool alive.

"Very good. Ren you will collect your prisoner, Hux I entrust the stowaway to you. Bring them both to me and I will gauge their potential." The Supreme Leader stated this simply there was no room for argument and then he was gone the connection ended abruptly.

Ren immediately spun on Hux. "How dare you embarrass me like that in front of the Supreme Leader!" He spat the words getting in Hux's face. Kylo was practically shaking with anger and Hux was loving every minute of it.

"It seems your judgement has diminished recently Commander." Hux's tone was dripping with disdain and a hint of smugness. Kylo's hands were shaking now, he spun on his heel and stormed out of the room black cloak flapping behind him.

Alone Hux broke into a smug grin. He knew there was going to be lots of damage on the ship to repair from the tantrum Kylo Ren was surely on his way to throw but right now he didn't care.

The feeling was short-lived as Hux realized what Snokes order meant. He had been avoiding you for days. He knew when he went in there that day to test you that something he hadn't intended could happen but the thoughts you uncovered were ones he had tried to bury so deeply.

It was the look on your face after the connection broke that made Hux terrified to go anywhere near you. The lust in your eyes, how hot your breath had felt against his face. Those seconds of watching your eye flit between his and his lips.

He was worried that the carefully controlled facade he has spent years building would crumble with just one look from your piercing E/C eyes. It filled him with conflict, he had wanted you from the moment he first met you. But he knew giving into those desires would be relinquishing far too much control for his liking.

He inhaled deeply feeling his chest rise and fall and he closed his eyes. Composing himself and trying desperately to bury any thoughts he wasn't 100% comfortable with you seeing.

Then he turned slowly and headed for the door, striding confidently towards your cell.

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