The Rebellion

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Warning - SMUT!

Why the hell does this girl insist on running headlong into every situation without even a second thought? Hux was pacing at the edge of the ramp while the others were standing behind him bickering about what they should do. He ground his back teeth together anxiously the vein in his jaw pulsing with every movement.

He kept walking down to the edge of the ramp and looking into the distance, all he could see were faint shapes through the fog that had nestled itself on the water's surface. Finally he'd had enough, he stalked back up the ramp a furious expression on his face.

"Give me a weapon, I'm going after her." Hux stood there looking past the group standing in front of him searching for a blaster to grab on the nearby surfaces.

"No way! I know who you are! General Hux." The girl next to Poe was eyeing him suspiciously before she turned towards Finn with accusation in her eyes. "Why is he even here?"

"He's with Y/N. She trusts him so that means I guess I do also." Poe's words were a surprise to the former General of the First Order. He hadn't thought it would be that easy. But with Y/N's notoriously good intuition he couldn't say he was surprised that they trusted her so wholeheartedly.  

The girl didn't like Poe's answer and they dissolved into more fighting that Hux just tuned out. He needed to get to her, what if Ren killed her? He just got her back the thought of losing her again was unbearable. 

He was just about to run down the ramp and out to her without a weapon when she materialized standing on the hunk of metal in front of the ramp. Hux nearly fell to his knees with relief as he watched her gracefully jump from the wreckage and back onto the Falcon.

Everyone stopped chattering when her boots hit the ramp with a loud thud and they turned to watch as she strode confidently towards the crew area. There were questions and introductions, but Hux could tell something was off with her.

She was short with her answers, refusing to make eye contact with anyone even him. She paused and took a calm measured breath before turning to face the group. "We need to head back to Ajan Kloss immediately. Don't bother me until we land."

There were lots of bewildered and confused glances exchanged but when she sat on the floor cross legged with her eyes closed there really wasn't any arguing to be done.

Poe drifted off to the cockpit setting a course like she had asked. While the others sat in various locations either chatting or staring at her. She had begun to float several inches off the floor and Hux had to admit he was a little in awe.

Kylo never meditated or at least not in front of anyone. Hux settled himself on the floor in front of her sitting cross legged as well just watching her with his elbows resting on his thighs and his chin cradled in his hands. 

If she noticed his presence she made no indication. He took a moment to study her features, his eyes trailing over her beautiful face memorizing every freckle. That's where he stayed for the entirety of the journey. Mostly because he still wasn't sure how to talk to these friends of hers without her backing him up.

When Hux felt the Falcon land he was suddenly overcome by nerves, he was about to enter an encampment full of people who definitely hated him. Just charming.

Slowly she settled back to the ground without so much as a sound, breaking meditation and rising delicately to her feet. Her outstretched hand appeared in front of his face and Hux looked up to see a smile resting on her mouth. "Don't be nervous."

The Alternative (Hux x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt