The Traitor

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Warning - Smut, degradation, spanking, slapping, violence in general

As Hux left her standing in the hallway he felt empty like he had all this time without her. These months apart had been the longest months of his entire life. There wasn't a single day that went by where he didn't think about her, dream about her, he'd wanted desperately to talk to her.

But he couldn't it was too risky. Kylo Ren had come to him after their first and last Force interaction. He had felt something but wasn't sure what. Hux had to answer a barrage of questions over several days to get the Supreme Leader off his back.

After that he deemed the hair tie communication to be dangerous and he wanted to protect her from Kylo's wrath. Unfortunately there were many survivors on the Supremacy who were in the hangar the day she left. Many of which had stories and accounts to tell that didn't paint his apprentice in a flattering light.

The General had managed to convince those who mattered of her innocence claiming she left to be a spy for the First Order like she had been trained to do. Although at first he wasn't sure why he had been defending her.

The days after her exit were hell, Hux was in agony constantly. He had never felt so betrayed and abandoned. But when he found her hair tie on Crait he just knew she hadn't left HIM just the First Order.

It had taken months for him to fully come to terms with why. But slowly he began to look around him and see the First Order for what it truly was. Especially now with that child Kylo Ren at the helm.

Eventually he forgave her and started to devise a plan to return to her. He hadn't expected to feel so angry upon seeing her. He really had wanted their reunion to be a happy one. Hux had wanted to go to her as an ally of the Rebellion. An act he hoped would redeem him in her eyes.

But she could never seem to do anything according to his plans, always acting on her own impulses. She's ruined everything! A frustrated sigh escaped his throat as the thought raged in his mind.

After a moment he softened and a sigh of relief following the first. He was elated to see her, despite the initial anger and frustration. Honestly leaving her for a while was the best thing he could've done. Seeing her so suddenly, so unexpectedly like that made him want to take her in his arms and never let go.

The urge to hold her, to have all the conversations he'd been dying to have for months and especially the urge to not talk at all were overwhelming. But he couldn't let any of this show in front of Pryde.

He knew that vile man was already distrustful of him, in the initial meeting discussing the spy Pryde hadn't taken his eyes off of Hux for more than a moment. He was studying him trying to find a tell in the redheads practiced mask to indicate it was him.

Things were about to get a lot more dangerous with her here. Pryde absolutely couldn't find out that she was his weakness or the ghoul would surely exploit that for his personal gain. Hux had an inkling that Pryde had his hands further in this whole mess with Palpatine than he was letting on.

The General arrived on the command deck to find Kylo Ren had also returned to the ship. He approached him somewhat cautiously trying to gauge his mood. Hux wasn't sure the news he was about to share would be good to the Supreme Leader.

"Supreme Leader, the transport has brought the prisoner aboard and it's being taken to interrogation 6 as per General Pryde's order." Hux stood talking to Ren's back his posture rigid and poised to duck out of harm's way at a moments notice.

There was silence for a long time and the masked man finally turned to acknowledge the ginger. "Is there something else General?"

Hux flinched ever so slightly trying to take a subtle breath in to steady himself. "Yes sir, it seems my apprentice was retrieved along with the prisoner."

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