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I just wanna clarify that not all the chapters are going to be Povs but I think it's better for you to understand the story and what's happening in the boys minds
All the love


I was waiting in backstage for the boys, more specifically, for Harry.
I was so nervous to see him in person, I know that I like him because he's so kind, so innocent, hot as fuck but humble. I seriously don't find anything wrong with this boy.
I wanted to know him better, because yeah, we have talk a few times over phone or messages but in person is a whole different story.
In person I could see his beautiful green eyes, he's soft red lips, his way to talk, his curly hair; in person I could see him. And I wanted to. I wanted to so bad

You see, the thing is that I don't really know how he feels about me. We flirted a couple times but when he thought I was dating Danielle, he stopped. I could understand why he did it, but when I told him about the beard thing, he didn't do it again. I'm scared that he thinks I'm weird or what if he already met someone? Oh shit no. That can't happen. Harry is my Harry. He's mine! (A/n: see what I did there 😉)

Before I could keep thinking about everything that could go wrong; they entered to the room. First Zayn came, then Niall followed by Liam and... Harry. My Harry.

My heart stopped when I saw him. He was even more beautiful in person.

"Holly shit" I muttered

When I came close he also came and he ended stepping on my shoe

"Oops" he said shyly

"Hi" I said


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to"

"It's okey, I didn't like them so much actually"

We stared at each other for a few minutes and then Niall ruined the moment. Great.

We talked for about an hour and then went to a bar which was just a few blocks away from the stadium

Love love love (L.S)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum