The rooftop

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Suicidal thoughts, swearing, a litle angst

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Osamu was standing at the edge of the tall building, looking down, he wasnt crying anymore he didnt bother.
He heard footsteps behind him, " dont even try to stop me" osamu said.
"Well this is a litle akward isnt it?" A voice said behind him.

Osamu turned around to see the owner of the voice, there stood a boy with brown hair and red-blown eyes staring at me.

"Oh um you too?" Osamu said looking the boy in the eyes. "Yeah..."

"So what made you come up here this fine night?" He said. Osamu sat down by the edge dangling his feet of the building.
"Just life and stuff" Osamu shrugged "what about you?"
"Same, but really tell me about it, im not going to try and change ur mind or so" he said while taking a seat next to osamu.

"Well it started with my homophobic dad and just went on from there, lost my job and my mom and stuff " Osamu began explaining. "Damn that sounds like shit" he said. "Hey whats ur name?" Osamu said. "Suna rintaro" he answered, "I'm osamu miya"

They talked about their problems and what they had went through and why they wanted to do it and more.

Osamus Pov

Im not going to lie, suna is pretty hot and I dont really know if I want to do this anymore...

"Hey um Suna..?" I said with a quiet voice, "Hmm?" He hummed back looking at me, he is making me nervous with those pretty eyes.

"I-i was wondering if maybe.. you would like t- to-" why is it so hard stop stuttering idiot. "What is it that you're wondering about?" Suna said and I felt his hand on my shoulder, I felt my face going red.

"I was wondering if u would wanna get out of here" I blurted out quicker than I planned to, I looked at his shocked face and averted my eyes looking down at my hands.


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In Osamu's apartment

They were cuddling on the couch, osamu in top of suna, sunas hand playing with osamus hair.

"Im really glad u wanted to end it all today" suna said and started to chuckle as it sounded very weird, but it was true. "Me too" Osamu giggled.

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Thank u for reading, vote, comment and request if you want to :D

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