25. Killing Time and Not Each Other

Start from the beginning

She smiled. "Why would he do that? Showing a beautiful young girl like yourself is barely a punishment."

"I think the studio assigned him the privilege. So yes, it is a punishment. For both him and me."

She arched her brow. "Yeah, and I'm Jennifer Lopez. I think that old woman was right."

"What old woman?" I asked, curious and confused.

"His grandmother, silly."

"Right about what?" How cryptic can she get?

"About Dylan changing."

Answer: Even more cryptic.

I was about to delve deeper into her mysterious words, but was cut off when a horn sounded from outside.

Then my phone rang.

Sexy 8

Outside. Hurry up!

I rolled an eye before saying goodbye to Marie and rushing out.

* * *

He brought an SUV. It was by far the cheapest and un-sports car like car that I'd ever seen him drive.

The registration? Rush 6. He must've just bought it.

My suspicions were confirmed when I got in the front seat. The leather reeked of new car smell and most of the interior still had that glossy new car look. Really? Five cars weren't enough?

"Morning," I exclaimed as I got in. I was determined to be nice to him today, despite the fact that he might already have known my secret and despite the impending confrontation I have with Flynn Mathers.

He nodded, before pulling out and driving towards the unknown.

"So, where is the apartment?" I asked.

"Near the studio," he replied.

And that was the only conversation we had for the drive over.

As soon as we got there, I was sure that his unresponsive tendencies wouldn't affect me.

The apartment was predictably bigger than the room at Marie's and was comfortably furnished. Everything I would need while the filming commenced was present. It had two bedrooms, one quaint, modern kitchen, one bathroom and a balcony overlooking the small suburban area below us. I could see the set from where I stood, about ten to twelve minutes walk through the small park across the block.

"So?" Dylan asked after we looked around the two bedroom space.

I smiled. "It's great." It was more than great, considering I wasn't spotting the bill for the place. The studio was paying for everything for the duration of the shoot.

As soon as the paperwork was done, the landlord handed me the keys after of course asking for Dylan's autograph. Okay, I guess he was kinda more famous than I thought.

We got in the car again and without a word he started driving.

"Where are we going?" I asked him when I noticed he missed the turn for the studio.

"It's still too early for us to go to the set. I thought we could hang out and kill time," he replied, eyes on the road.

"Us? Kill time together?" I asked, incredulous. We'd be more likely to kill each other.

"Yes," he nodded.

"Are you on drugs, Gregory?"

"How many times do I need to tell you to stop calling me that for you to stop?"

Rushed (Hate at First Flight #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now