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He saw her. Jexanna's eyes narrowed for a moment before feigning interest in the shocked faces of the room. It looked like he was the only one who noticed. That was both good and bad, but nothing she could focus on at the moment. Her shoulders rolled back as a giggle escaped from her lips.

"Well, now that Shou-Shou is gone, why don't we get started?" It took everything in her to not clench her fists at the chirp she released. Jexanna inwardly groaned, hating this facade. But it was necessary. After all, she was Dr. Jess Lewis, the hot mess.

"We could have gotten started if we weren't waiting for someone." A familiar bite came across the room. Great. Jexanna found the owner easily. Hamma Katharin, the head of both the FLA's medical research division and Jexanna's witchhunt. Jexanna's eyes narrowed at the faire across the room. She sat upright as always, with her dark emerald hair tied back into a bun. There was not a single imperfection on her, from the tip of her head to the ends of her fingernails, everything was immaculate. Hamma was always a pleasure, even in the days that she apprenticed under Dr. Jonathan Lewis. The woman was intelligent, cunning, and cruel. It helped her jump from a simple apprentice position to the head of the research division in less than seven years.

"Hamma," Jexanna smiled gently. "if I had known you were going to be here, I would have made sure to be here on time. I hope that you can excuse the earlier entrance. Captain Shou was kind enough to retrieve me from the airport..." Jexanna paused to meet Hamma's narrowed brown eyes. "and you know that I can't resist an offer to return," She trailed off to find the right word, "kindness. After all, isn't that what my father taught all of his apprentices, to repay any kindness?"

Hamma's lips twitched down for a second. Jexanna's lips curved into a smirk, recognizing that bringing her father into the conversation would shut down any remarks from Hamma. Hamma owed her father a debt, one that could never be paid. Unless she wanted her reputation ruined, Hamma would play it off. But Jexanna could tell Hamma was weighing the two options. She looked back with a blank stare at Jexanna, obviously thinking it over. Jexanna waited in anticipation, for the woman to either bite back or to play if off.

"I'm sure that your father didn't mean that." Ah, so Hamma bit back.

"I guess we both disappointed him greatly." Jexanna gave Hamma another warning, shrugging off her accusation. "But regardless of how I behave, that's not the reason we are here, right? If you have a grievance as to how I conduct my private affairs, then tell me on your own time. " Jexanna didn't wait for Hamma to respond before waving her hand at the woman. "You're the head of research, Hamma. You could have started the debrief, but you decided to wait for me. I'm hardly a reason to prevent this force from saving lives, considering the differences in our positions and the other specialists in the room. So why don't you please start the debrief before you accuse me of wasting these experts' time?"

Hamma's lips curled into a deep frown, the most emotion the woman would ever show in front of a crowd. Jexanna simply raised a brow at the woman as she crossed her arms, trying to maintain her image in front of the task force. Jexanna never cared for politics, particularly those in the medical field. She had to tango carefully with every single person in the field while trusting them not to drop her but also anticipate a stab in the back at any point. Being a bounty hunter was much cleaner. It involved much less deception and she could punch the person in front of her, or drop them into a hole. But that wasn't an option here, of course. Jexanna tried to hide a smile as Hamma stood up, brushing the dust off her uniform, and slowly make her way to the center of the room.

"Well, now that we can begin." Hamma's tone stayed even as she addressed the room. "I'd like to thank everyone for gathering so quickly. I know that the communities affected appreciate your fast and ready response to our call. We want to make sure that this disease is contained and does not spread outside of their kind."

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