Win You Back iii [Bryan Kuznetnsov]

Start from the beginning

"Every time your voice gets an octave higher, the grip tightens. NOW shout to your heart's content." I closed my mouth as I saw her struggle for breath. He left her with a jerk. "Thought so."

He untied me too. I fell down on the floor, as my limbs were still numb. I felt hot blood run down my broken nose as Boris kicked me in the stomach. "Stand up like a man now!"

I tried to stand up, I did too. But my legs swayed underneath me. I managed it only for a few minutes though. Then I leaned heavily on the pole behind of me.

"What do you want of us?" I asked breathing heavily. "Why are you doing this to us? Why did you kidnap her?"

"Patience, patience." I looked at him as he pulled out two prepared injections from his pocket. I groaned as he injected one in my neck. The result was like liquid fire in my blood. But at least the numb sensation was lifting.

He injected the second injection in (Y/n)'s neck. Her eyelids began to droop as she fell down on the floor. There was a crack sound and I prayed for it to not be her skull.

"Now. Get ready for some small experiments boy. Stand up quickly or she sleeps. Forever."

I gulped and stopped all the choice words I wanted to yell. I stood up obediently.

"Good... You'll stand here and if you try any stunts - the girl, mind you." He turned and walked out of the room. I slumped against the pole, closing my eyes.

"Bryan, Bryan." I looked at Spencer in despair.


"Save us Bryan. You're free. Trust yourself and knock out that bastard..." He muttered weakly.

"I-I can't. He'll hurt you and (Y/n)." I stammered as I saw Boris's shadow in the hall. He was coming back. Any second now.

"Don't back out now Bryan... You're the boy who killed two armed guards at thirteen in self defence to save his friends. Only you can save us right now." He hushed suddenly as Boris entered again.


I mustered all my strength in my fist and punched him hard in the face. Boris took only a minute to steady himself and hold me again. I didn't give him a second and started kicking and punching him again and again. Before he could overpower me I knocked him down once, making sure he cracked his head open.

He tried to yell but before he could I punched him in the throat and he passed out in an instant.

"In his c-coat pocket. The yellow button on the remote," Tala called in a small voice. I hurriedly followed his orders and pressed the button. Their shackles opened and the three of them stood free.

Ian helped Tala stay upright while Spencer vengefully kicked him in the stomach. "You pig!"

I picked up (Y/n) in my arms and started to walk but Ian stopped me. "Take the clear injection from his pocket. It'll help her."

Spencer bent down and retrieved the said injection and injected it into her wrist. "Let's go now," he said when (Y/n) had gotten up and finally was able to walk with help.

Midway I pulled off my tee and silently offered it to her. She took it, equally silent and quickly put it on mumbling a quick thank you.

Outside we got in a cab and sometime then I passed out.

Time skip

2 days later

I opened my eyes in a hospital bed, feeling extremely tired. I pressed the bell on my bedside. A few minutes later a nurse rushed in. Behind him Tala, Ian and Spencer followed. Tala was still looking somewhat weak but he was back on his feet and smirking, so that was good I guess.

"Finally up, huh?" He asked. "How are you feeling?"

"Not dead..." I muttered sarcastically in response.

They stood by m bedside telling me that Boris was finally behind the bars though the police didn't know his plans yet. A good twenty minutes later there was another knock on the door. Through the round window I saw the head of (Y/n).

"Uh do you guys mind..." I asked suddenly nervous at the prospect of talking to her.

"Yes we do mind and if you do receive a slap, understand that you deserve it." Spencer joked and then the three of them left.

(Y/n) walked through the doors. A bandage was wrapped around her temple and a cast around her wrist. She looked quite nervous as she approached me. It felt like I was looking at her for the first time. Her beauty seemed ethereal as she sat on the flimsy hospital chair.

"I came to say..." she began uncertainly, "thank you."

"It's okay... I was saving my own skin too..."

"And to tell you..." She took a deep breath and then angrily started again, "That you are the biggest asshole that has ever lived!"

"Wha-?" I was taken aback. In all honesty I was expecting at least a kiss as a thank you.

"The police found my phone and I heard all the messages and..." she looked straight in my eyes. "If you liked me why did you have to break everything!?!!"

"I... Because... I am sorry..." I realised there was no because here. None of my past traumas were caused by her. She didn't have to face the repercussions.

"This Saturday is your last chance Bryan Kuznetsov... Don't fuck this up."

Saying I was astonished as she kissed my cheek softly was an understatement.

"Oh-okay! I'll... I'll call you!" I called as she winked at me and then left the hospital room.

i don't know how well this went. but i have completed it. vote and comment as usual



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