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The Funeral


Jordon and I waited in the waiting room as she was in surgery. The doctor came out, it's been at least three hours since she was inside that room. When he came out, he had some blood on him.

"You are her husband and brother?" He asked.

We both nodded our heads.

"I am sorry to say this, but she did not make it. She had too much smoke in her lungs. She couldn't come back from it." The doctor had mentioned.

I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I fell to my knees. I took my hands to my face and started crying. I felt as if something had died, apart of me died. I couldn't stand. I felt people staring over here, but I did not care at this heart was broken, what was I supposed to tell my children, what was I going to say...I was so lost for words right now.

"I am so sorry." The doctor said as he backed away slowly and walked away.

"Come on...Drew let's go."

Jordon helped me up off the ground as he helped me walk out of the hospital. People stared at me and was confused, but I just felt crushed too much to care at this point. I was walking as if I was drunk, my legs didn't want to feet didn't want to work. My brain non-the less did not want to work. Jordon called Alec to come and pick us up.


Alec eventually showed up. I was crying too, but I was not showing it as badly as Drew was. I think he felt like he failed somewhere along the way. I knew I should have gone into the house with her to look and then we could have gone into my house to look. I knew where mine was, but I don't think she knew where hers were exactly. Drew asked Alec to take him to the house because he said he needed to see it. Alec did as he was told, and we drove in the direction of the house. We reached the driveway where there was a lot of smoke smothering the trees. Sierra was standing outside wondering what had happened at the hospital. Alec parked, Drew got out and walked towards the house where he fell to his knees and cried a little more as he looked over the mess of the house. I walked over to Sierra and looked saddened by everything. Sierra just knew as she reeled me into a hug. I am assuming she just knew by the way Drew had reacted.

"I am sorry honey." She said as she held me tight as I cried into her shoulder.

"I should have gone with her." I stated. "I should have gone inside with her, if I was with her, she might've been alive right now."

"Sweetie, this isn't your fault! This couldn't have been known to happen..." She said as she held me tighter.

"I think both Drew and I think it's our own faults for what happened." I mentioned.

"Jordon, it's neither of your faults...this was something we didn't know was going to happen, this was something we definitely never saw coming."

I cried a little more into her shoulder as some time passed by.


It's been almost week since my wife had passed away. The funeral was coming up this evening, and I wasn't sure if I was ready for it at all. I tried to explain to Mia that her mother wasn't coming home anytime soon and that she was in a better place. But she did not understand what I was saying, and Oliver only being a few months old will certainly not understand what is happening. We were staying with Jordon until our house was rebuilt to go and move back over there. I was going to do it as if my wife was still here, in her honour. She wanted a beautiful kitchen, and that's what I am going to do. I saw an article in the news paper about my wife, and how she died in a house fire. Great, the whole world will know now. Including that asshole Asher. I looked at it and got tearful as I read it. I was upset. But I mean, who wouldn't be? Some people show different sympathy, but I feel like a bus hit me and I am walking around with a broken everything. I looked at myself in the mirror, as I stood there in a black tuxedo, and my heart was pounding in my stomach, I was nervous. I know right, nervous for a why? But it wasn't a good nervous it was an awful nervous, seeing people in relation with my wife, seeing the rest of her family, more than likely, seeing my siblings. I wasn't prepared to see everyone; I wasn't prepared for any of this. Jordon had yelled up to me and asked if I was okay and if I was ready. I responded with a yes. I had walked downstairs as I saw my princess and prince all dressed up for this. This was changing so much; my life has changed so much. We all got into Jordon's van and we headed towards the cemetery where she would be buried.

I looked at all the people as the chairs were set up nicely in rows. I saw my parents and looked at them sadly, along with my siblings. They looked at me and came to me to hug me.

"Thanks for coming mom, dad, Cleo, Callie, and Greg."

"Why wouldn't we come darling, this was your wife. This is your family, and we are terribly sorry this happened to you love." My mother stated as she hugged me tighter.

"Like mom said, of course we'd be here for you bro." Greg mentioned as he side hugged me, "You are family man."

The funeral started, we took our seats and we listened to the priest as he said a few words, asked each of us to come up and say something. I started, then it was Jordon, Sierra, and no one else because none of their family had shown up. Our children weren't old enough to say anything on behalf of their mother, but they still had no idea what was happening. Soon enough she was going into the ground, each of us placed a rose onto her casket as it descended into the ground. It was over. She was getting buried into the ground after we all left. We had a gathering at Jordon's place after we were done here. They all knew that, and soon enough we were all getting into our vehicles as we headed towards the house. Majority of people form the funeral had shown up at the house. All the food and drinks were already set up for when we had left. We all gathered into the house as we were eating some food, drinking some drinks, and all talking about everything. Trying to keep our minds off everything.

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