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I sat there wondering when my boyfriend was coming to get me from after work. I was sitting in the coffee shop as I looked out the window waiting to see his pick-up truck. I tried texting him several times because he wasn't answering my text message or even the phone calls. I waited about another five minutes before I realized what I was seeing across the street. I watched him as he got out of his truck with some girl I had not seen before, she dressed slightly slutty. I saw her get close to him, she then hugged him and finished it off with a giant sloppy kiss, he smacked her butt on the way to a door she had entered, as he followed behind. The door closed; it was to the fancy restaurant across the street from the coffee shop I had worked at. Which by the way, I was sitting here at the table in such a giant shock, I had no idea on what to think at this moment. My eyes started watering; crazy I know. I was starting to feel sad. My cheeks started burning and my face was starting to turn red. I guess I had to call a cab to go home because I lived outside of town, and I currently had got a ride from him to get into town before work. So, I decided to get off my butt from the table and walked outside as I had called the cab it was finally here. He parked by the entrance as I had opened the door and got in, telling him where my address was. It was a little lake house outside of town, I loved it. My mother and father were rarely around, but I didn't mind because I was fine living on my own. Although my brother surfaced from time to time at the house, but he wasn't always there. I was finally dropped off in my driveway...which I thanked the driver, and I had then given him my money and he was off. I went to the door and that's when my phone started to ring. I had looked at it, and noticed it was him. I did not want to answer the phone and just sent it to voicemail, I had unlocked the door, and walked inside, locking the door behind me. I worked almost ten hours today, because they had asked if I wanted to stay a couple hours later, and of course me, agreeing. I get money from my parents, and I do have money, but I want to work for myself to pass the time. And did I mention I was almost nine months pregnant? It was my last shift before I went on maternity leave. I was starting to realize that my boyfriend wasn't that good of a guy to have as my baby's father. He was cheating on me with some girl I did not even know, or even knew of. I was exhausted, and I really wanted to just sit down and eat some chocolate. I was in such a big craving mood because I was close to having a child. My due date was just two weeks from now. I was excited as ever and could hardly wait. I had the whole house to myself, so raising the baby in a quieter area, but with no help will never help either. That's when I heard a knock on the door. I waddled over towards the door and opened it up. Then I saw him, him standing there, I did not want to see his face.

"Ashton what are you doing here?" I rolled my eyes.

"I came to see why you did not respond to my phone call?"

"Ugh, let's were supposed to pick me up from work, and you never came?" I had asked.

"Yeah...I got distracted with my mother..." He had mentioned.

"Do not even lie to me Ash, I saw you with that slut outside my work going into that fancy restaurant." I nearly yelled to him.

He looked at me confused, but also because I caught him in the act too, so he looked worried.

"Listen Bella, I am really sorry."

"So, you don't want to be with me anymore?" I had asked, calmly.

He looked at me and then looked at the ground, he did not answer. That's when I knew right away, he didn't want this anymore. He wanted to be with someone else. He did not want to be with me anymore, does that mean he doesn't want to be with our baby either? I was beginning to become worried. I looked around trying not to cry.

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