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It was my intention to not post this story until it was totally completed, but I got too excited. There are about three chapters already in my drafts and I just really like how it's turning out. Don't worry, I'm still totally working on everything else too. I'm just going through a list of popular tropes that I've never gotten around to writing for, and this one covers both historical and arranged marriage. I'll be posting the last chapter of Tuqburni as soon as I get it back from my beta and finish any corrections. Make sure to leave lots of comments on this one!

 Make sure to leave lots of comments on this one!

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"I will not do this. He cannot force me to marry some strange man for his own selfish grab for power."

"He can. You know he does this with your best interests in mind, my lady. And everything is already arranged. You leave in the morning."

You listen to the now familiar argument as you fold your mistress's garments into the opulently decorated trunks. A door slams, followed by a crash like something delicate hit the wall and a high-pitched scream resonated throughout the massive bedroom.

You sigh tiredly, knowing that the woman's ire was going to be filling your own ears next.

"What are you doing, ___? I just said I wasn't going."

Lady Eleanor Rose D'Aily flounced back into her bed chambers, her rosy lips turned down in a petulant pout and her wilting golden curls bouncing around as she flung herself across her bed.

"I'm afraid Master Steward already spoke with me while you were on your afternoon ride. He ordered me to pack your belongings and warned that guards would be here to escort us at first light. And," you add, flashing a warning glance at your impulsive charge, "He informed me that guards are being placed outside of your doors and windows should you attempt to escape your fate."

"Ugg, this is torturous. Why is Papa doing this? I always thought he'd want to keep me close. Why send me to some old man that I've never met and will never love?"

"I dare say he believes he secured his beloved child a bridegroom most could only dream of. After all, you've been selected by the King of Verinthia himself - who is not yet thirty, mind you. You're to be Queen Eleanor of Verinthia. Think of all the wondrous things you can do for your people."

At that her lady sighed, pondering that point. For though your mistress was unarguably spoiled, she still had a good heart. You had no doubt that if she were to be Queen, a great deal of good would be done under her reign.

"But...Jungkook. I don't want to marry anyone but Jungkook."

And that was the core of this rebellion. As cliché as it was, Lady Eleanor - the only child of the Duke Of Nevers - was in love with a mere Knight.

Sir Jungkook Jeon had basically been raised right alongside Eleanor after being sent by his Baron father to foster under the Duke. The lad was the youngest of eight and there was nothing left for him to inherit, so he was sent out to make his own way in the world.

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